名称: 最常见相位的英文名
角度: 两颗星体之间的准确角度
分割: 形成这个度数把圆切成几块
倍数: 这个相位乘以多少倍能得到相关相位
容许度: 相位能有效的最大容许度
范围: 相位能起作用的最大范围
名称: |
角度: |
分割: |
倍数: |
容许度 : |
.范围 :. |
Conjunction |
.0度 |
1 |
1 |
9度. |
.0-9度 |
Sextisextile |
10度 |
2,2,3,3 |
1 |
0.2度. |
.9.8-10.2度. |
Semisquisquare |
11.25度 |
2,2,2,2,2 |
1 |
0.25度 |
11-11.5度. |
Squisextile |
15度 |
2,2,2,3 |
1 |
0.5度. |
14.5-15.5度. |
Vigintile |
18度 |
2,2,5 |
1 |
0.2度. |
17.8-18.2度. |
Seminovile |
20度 |
2,3,3 |
1 |
0.4度. |
19.6-20.4度. |
Squisquare |
22.5度. |
2,2,2,2 |
1 |
0.8度. |
21.7-23.3度. |
Quintitrine (1) |
24度. |
3,5 |
1 |
0.2度. |
23.8-24.2度. |
Semiseptile |
25.7度. |
2,7 |
1 |
0.3度. |
25.4-26.0度. |
Tredecile |
27.7度. |
13 |
1 |
0.2度. |
27.5-27.9度. |
Semisextile |
30度 |
2,2,3 |
1 |
1.5度. |
28.5-31.5度. |
Undecile |
32.75度 |
11 |
1 |
0.35度 |
32.4-33.1度. |
Trisemisquisquare |
33.75度 |
2,2,2,2,2 |
3 |
0.25度 |
33.5-34度. |
Decile (2) |
. 36度. |
2,5 |
1 |
0.6度. |
35.4-36.6度. |
Novile (3) |
. 40度. |
3,3 |
1 |
1度. |
39-41度. |
Semisquare |
45度 |
2,2,2 |
1 |
2.2度. |
42.8-47.2度. |
Biquintitrine |
48度 |
3,5 |
2 |
0.2度. |
47.8-48.2度. |
Quinsextisextile |
50度 |
2,2,3,3 |
5 |
0.2度. |
49.8-50.2度. |
Septile |
51.4度. |
7 |
1 |
0.9度. |
50.5-52.3度. |
Trivigintile |
54度 |
2,2,5 |
3 |
0.2度. |
53.8-54.2度. |
Bitredecile |
55.4度. |
13 |
2 |
0.2度. |
55.2-55.6度. |
Quinsemisquisquare |
56.25度 |
2,2,2,2,2 |
5 |
0.25度 |
56-56.5度. |
Sextile |
60度 |
2,3 |
1 |
3度. |
57-63度. |
Biundecile |
65.45度 |
11 |
2 |
0.35度 |
65.1-65.8度. |
Trisquisquare |
67.5度. |
2,2,2,2 |
3 |
0.8度. |
66.7-68.3度. |
Septsextisextile |
70度 |
2,2,3,3 |
7 |
0.2度. |
69.8-70.2度. |
Quintile |
72度 |
5 |
1 |
1.8度. |
70.2-73.8度. |
Quinsquisextile |
75度 |
2,2,2,3 |
5 |
0.5度. |
74.5-75.5度. |
Trisemiseptile |
77.1度. |
2,7 |
3 |
0.3度. |
76.8-77.4度. |
Septsemisquisquare |
78.75度 |
2,2,2,2,2 |
7 |
0.25度 |
78.5-79度. |
Binovile |
80度 |
3,3 |
2 |
1度. |
79-81度. |
Tritredecile |
83.1度. |
13 |
3 |
0.2度. |
82.9-83.3度. |
Square |
90度 |
2,2 |
1 |
6度. |
84.0-96.0度. |
Quadquintitrine |
96度 |
3,5 |
4 |
0.2度. |
95.8-96.2度. |
Triundecile |
98.2度. |
11 |
3 |
0.35度 |
.97.85-98.55度 |
Quinseminovile1 |
00度 |
2,3,3 |
5 |
0.4度. |
99.6-100.4度 |
Novsemisquisquare1 |
01.25度 |
2,2,2,2,2 |
9 |
0.25度 |
.101-101.5度 |
Biseptile1 |
02.9度. |
7 |
2 |
0.9度. |
.102-103.8度 |
Septsquisextile1 |
05度 |
2,2,2,3 |
7 |
0.5度. |
.104.5-105.5度 |
Tridecile (4) |
.108度. |
2,5 |
3 |
0.6度. |
.107.4-108.6度 |
Undecasextisextile1 |
10度 |
2,2,3,3 |
11 |
0.2度. |
.109.8-110.2度 |
Quadtredecile1 |
10.75度 |
13 |
4 |
0.2度. |
110.55-110.95度. |
Quinsquisquare1 |
12.5度. |
2,2,2,2 |
5 |
0.8度. |
.111.7-113.3度 |
Trine1 |
20度 |
3 |
1 |
4.5度. |
.115.5-124.5度 |
Undecasemisquisquare1 |
23.75度 |
2,2,2,2,2 |
11 |
0.25度 |
.123.5-124度 |
Septvigintile1 |
26度 |
2,2,5 |
7 |
0.2度. |
.125.8-126.2度 |
Quinsemiseptile1 |
28.6度. |
2,7 |
5 |
0.3度. |
.128.3-128.9度 |
Tredecasextisextile1 |
30度 |
2,2,3,3 |
13 |
0.2度. |
.129.8-130.2度 |
Quadundecile1 |
30.9度. |
11 |
4 |
0.35度 . |
130.55-131.25度. |
Sesquisquare (5) |
.135度. |
2,2,2 |
3 |
2.2度. |
.132.8-137.2度 |
Quintredecile1 |
38.45度 |
13 |
5 |
0.2度. |
138.25-138.65度. |
Septseminovile1 |
40度 |
2,3,3 |
7 |
0.4度. |
.139.6-140.4度 |
Biquintile1 |
44度 |
5 |
2 |
1.8度. |
.142.2-145.8度 |
Tredecasemisquisquare1 |
46.25度 |
2,2,2,2,2 |
13 |
0.25度 |
.146-146.5度 |
Quincunx1 |
50度 |
2,2,3 |
5 |
1.5度. |
.148.5-151.5度 |
Triseptile1 |
54.3度. |
7 |
3 |
0.9度. |
.153.4-155.2度 |
Septsquisquare1 |
57.5度. |
2,2,2,2 |
7 |
0.8度. |
.156.7-158.3度 |
Quadrinovile1 |
60度 |
3,3 |
4 |
1度. |
.159-161度 |
Novvigintile1 |
62度 |
2,2,5 |
9 |
0.2度. |
.161.8-162.2度 |
Quinundecile1 |
63.65度 |
11 |
5 |
0.35度 |
.163.3-164度 |
Undecasquisextile1 |
65度 |
2,2,2,3 |
11 |
0.5度. |
.164.5-165.5度 |
Setredecile1 |
66.15度 |
13 |
6 |
0.2度. |
165.95-166.15度. |
Quindecasemisquisquare1 |
67.75度 |
2,2,2,2,2 |
15 |
0.25度 |
.167.5-168度 |
Septquintitrine1 |
68度 |
3,5 |
7 |
0.2度. |
.167.8-168.2度 |
Septdecasextisextile1 |
70度 |
2,2,3,3 |
17 |
0.2度. |
.169.8-170.2度 |
Opposition1 |
80度 |
2 |
1 |
9度. |
.171-180度 |
(1) or quindecile (2) or decagon / semiquintile; (3) or nonagon; (4) or sesquiquintile / tredecile; (5) or sesquiquadrate.
Note : there may occasionally be some overlap between the range of aspects formed from the division of the circle by different prime numbers. An aspect falling within an 'overlap' range combines in its interpretation the prime number properties of both aspect series present.
Orbs of proximity
Because angular connections between factors at the time of birth produce an effect on the person born when they are simply close to corresponding to the exact angle of one of the significant aspect types, a system of orbs of allowance is applied to the different types of aspect, indicating how nearly the angular relationships between two factors have to match the exact angle of the aspect type concerned to qualify as forming the aspect. For instance, a sextile has to be accurate only to within 3度 either side of 60度 to produce a significant effect, so any angle from 57度 to 63度 between two chart factors qualifies as a sextile. The allowable orb of the sextile aspect in general is thus specified as being 3度.
Historically, orbs allowed were larger or smaller relative to the average importance of the two luminaries or planets being connected; but in the late 19th Century an astrologer called Alan Leo introduced the concept that orbs should be more or less consistent between any pair of factors for a given aspect type, and most astrologers since have followed his view. This said, some will still allow greater orbs for aspects to the luminaries or the ruling planet (usually meaning the planet considered by astrologers to have the closest natural affinity with the particular Ascendant sign in the individual's birth chart), and it is generally acknowledged that orbs for aspects to minor bodies such as the asteroids, centaurs and fixed stars should be much reduced.
The conjunction and opposition have been shown to work with broadly equivalent orbs since they are both in effect aspects relating to the division of the circle into two. Beyond this, however, the orbs of allowance for a given aspect decline in line with the circle division factors used to create the base aspect, subject to a variation in slope of orb decline according to the relative obscurity of the aspect's circle division factors (with '2' being more significant than 3, 5, 7, 11 and 13 in turn); and a shallower decline for all aspects that form multiples of thirty degrees and therefore correspond to the natural zodiac.
Applying vs. Separating Aspects
Many astrologers distinguish between the effects of applying aspects, where the faster-moving factor was getting closer to achieving the exact aspect with the slower-moving one, and will have reached it after the moment of birth; and separating ones, where the exact aspect had already happened before birth and the faster-moving factor was therefore moving further away from the slower one. Astrologers mostly believe that applying aspects are stronger in their effects than separating ones, and some even allow them larger orbs accordingly; however, one prominent astrologer in the late 19th century took the opposite view. The process whereby a faster-moving planet comes within orb of an aspect to a slower-moving planet or stationary point in the figure and approaches the exact aspect over time is called its application to the slower-moving planet or point.
Dexter vs. Sinister Aspects
A further distinction in perspective is drawn between dexter or lower aspects: those from a specified planet to a point less than 180度 after it in the zodiac (anticlockwise from it in the figure), and sinister or upper aspects: those from a specified planet to a point less than 180度 before it in the zodiac (clockwise from it in the figure).
Working out what aspects are in a natal figure:
1. Either use a free chart calculation service such as the ones at astro.com and astrology.com, or use the manual calculation procedure detailed in the Calculation article, to determine the positions by signs, degrees ( 度 ) and minutes ( ' ) of the celestial bodies and angles in the birth chart whose aspects you want to look up. If you use an automated service, you should see your sign placements clearly listed beneath the natal figure itself - you can ignore the diagram of the figure; and the signs to which the shorthand astrological ' glyphs ' or symbols correspond are labelled. You don't need to use the glyphs yourself; the words will do fine. Write down all the sign, degree and minute placements on a piece of paper in a list.
2. For the sake of convenience when it comes to calculating the angular separation between all your factors, convert the minutes of degrees into the nearest complete decimal point of a degree: for 0-5 minutes, add 0.0; for 6-11 minutes, 0.1; for 12-17 minutes, add 0.2; for 18-23 minutes, add 0.3; for 24-29 minutes, add 0.4; for 30-35 minutes, add 0.5; for 36-41 minutes, add 0.6; for 42-47 minutes, add 0.7; for 48-53 minutes, add 0.8; for 54-59 minutes, add 0.9. For example, if you have the Sun at 19度46' of Scorpio, convert it into 19.7度 Scorpio.
3. Follow the step-by-step instructions under 'Calculating the Aspects' in the Calculation article.
You will be asked to make a note for each aspect you discover of the orb of proximity that you are having to allow. The closer to the centre of the allowed range for the aspect type, the stronger the effects of the aspect will be. In the example in the article, 84.6度 is 5.4度 away from the exact angle of the square, 90度, so you would write down '5.4度' by 'Sun square Moon'. You can see that this is about three quarters of the distance towards the outer limit (7度) of the allowable orb for a square, so the aspect will not apply at maximum strength but will still be significant, squares being among the strongest aspects in any case.
4. Continue until you have worked out all the aspects in the figure and their orbs of proximity.
Choosing which interpretations to read:
The aspect types covered in separate pages for each pair of chart factors in the Astro Interpretations reference section are the conjunction ; sextile and trine ; square and opposition ; and quincunx . The sextile and trine are grouped together, as are the square and opposition, because some authors have written one delineation to cover all 'soft' or 'harmonious' aspects and one for all 'hard' or 'inharmonious' aspects; but you will also find separate interpretations for the square and opposition and for the trine and sextile by other authors, and should read whichever one of those corresponds to the nature of the aspect you are looking up most closely. For aspect types not specifically covered by the interpretations, I would suggest the following approximations:
For the quintile , biquintile (5), and the septile , biseptile and treseptile (7), consider the entry for the trine , modified in the light of the characteristics supposed of the prime numbers 5 or 7.
For the decile and tredecile , consider the entry for the sextile , modified in the light of the characteristics supposed of the prime number 5. 2*5 is closest to 2*3.
For the semisextile , consider the entry for the quincunx, for which it is the base aspect, modified with reference to the meaning of the semisextile.
For the semisquare , sesquisquare , squisquare , tresquisquare , quinsquisquare and septsquisquare , read the entry for the square , but presume a less forceful, more niggling conflict, based on the multiple instances of the prime number 2 in which their base aspects are sourced.
For the novile , binovile and quadnovile , consider the entry for the trine , modified in the light of the characteristics supposed of the novile series (3,3).
Brief dedicated delineations of quintile, septile, novile and semisquare-series aspects are found via the 'Quintiles etc.' menu page.