Solar Arc Directions
Before we proceed to rectification methods, it is essential to know what Solar Arc directions are and how they work.
In ancient religious and metphysical texts we find references to the idea that a day is considered to equate symbolically with a year. The daily motion of the Sun is significant not only for indicating daily trends, but also for yearly trends, on the next level. In Winter, daylight lasts for a shorter period of time, and the Sun's actual movement around the Earth is slightly more than the average 60 minutes of arc in a 24-hour period. Keeping in mind that the actual daily motion of the Sun is taken to equate with one year of solar arc, the average monthly motion is determined by dividing 60 minutes of arc by 12; thus 60 ÷ 12 = 5. And this implies that in the average 30-day month, one minute of solar arc is equal to 6 days, since 30 ÷ 5 = 6.
In the Summer, by contrast, the Sun rotates only 57' around the Earth in 24 hours, and the period of daylight is longer. Such a deviation from the 60' average becomes noticeable by the time a native is 50 years of age. For example, someone born in May or June will have a Solar Arc value of only 47°43' at the age of 50, while someone born in December will have 50°54'. This is more than 3° of difference.
Factors |
in 90° format |
in 22°30' format |
0° to 22°30': (no change from 90° format) |
Cupido |
2°37' |
2°37' |
22°31' to 45°: (subtract 22°30') |
Admetos |
23°47' |
1°17' |
Sun |
35°02' |
12°31' |
45°01' to 67°30' : (subtract 45°) |
Venus |
50°14' |
5°14' |
Zeus |
59°41' |
14°41' |
67°31' to 90° : (subtract 67°30') |
Apollon |
83°28' |
15°58' |
Vulkanus |
86°52' |
19°22' |
We can calculate the Solar Arc directions for any given date or event, and we need to do this in the process of making sure that the recorded birthtime is correct. Today we normally do this with the assistance of a suitable astrological computer program such as the Special Uranian program by Aureas Software.
In addition, we will use the 22.5° (16th harmonic) system. Starting with the 90° format, we need to understand that each planet advances to new locations on the dial due to arc direction. This idea will be essential to the process of birthtime rectification.
We use the table to the right, elaborated upon in the Brummund Technique Book , to calculate the 22.5° positions for our example chart of Bill Gates.
To double-check these positions, we can look at the listing of planetary longitudes or the 22°30' midpoint readout from our computer program. We also have the option of verifying whether the directed position of a point lies near other factors shown on data lists.
We can use the Special Uranian computer program's "Uranian Data" table to easily view the 22°30' positions for Bill Gates. (See table to the left.)
Some will perhaps ask why we should perform this conversion process when the computer does it for us... anyone who can bring this information up on the computer screen doesn't need to go through this instructional method. Also, someone working with the dial and workboard in hand may only need the chart and dial in order to make these additional calculations.
In any case, those who work diligently with solar arc directions will find themselves convinced of their value in only a short period of time.
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