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Chap. 36. Enemies, and the Things Signified by theTwelfth House.
For things concerningenemies, look at the 12th sign and its lord, and at the planet located in the12th house, and at the Part of Enemies'" and its lord, and at Saturn. Forif the strongest of these is an evil [planet] or impedited, and it aspects thelord of the ASC, it signifies that the native will have many enemies and harmfrom them.
But if the one that has the most dignities is a fortune or is made fortunate, and if It aspects the lord of the ASC, it signifies that the native will have few enemies and that he will have a good name among men. Similarly, if the lord of the
12th does notaspect the lord of the ASC, it signifies that the native will have few enemies.When the lord of the 12th and the lord of the ASC are in mutual good aspect with each other, it signifies little or no harm from enemies. Similarly, when one of the two fortunes is in the house of enemies and has some dignity there,it signifies that his adversaries will be good men who will not harm him. But if there is an infortune there, it signifies harm to the enemies [themselves].And if the lord of the 12th is in an angle or in a succedent and it has anydignity there, it signifies
that the enemies will be noble and strong. But ifit is cadent and peregrine, or under the Sun beams, or in its own fall, itsignifies want and bad circumstances for the [native's] enemies. For when anyone of the evil [planets] is located in the house of enemies, or when the lordof the house of enemies is made unfortunate by any one of the evil [planets],and from evil houses, it signifies that the native will have good luck againsthis enemies, and it shows that they will have a dversity.
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