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(根据Max Heindel 的研究,再婚,离婚和丧偶在个人盘上有以下这些迹 象,SECOND MARRIAGES If one or more of the malefics , Saturn , Mars , Uranus , and Neptune, are found in the Seventh House, and the Sun or Moon are in a fruitful sign , Cancer , Scorpio, or Pisces, or in the double-bodies signs, Gemini or Sagittarius, it is likely that the person will marry several times, and probably to his sorrow.
If the Sun or Moon are aspected to a number of planets placed in double-bodies signs,Gemini, Sagittarius, or Pisces , especially if these signs are on the Seventh House , two or more marriages are likely to occur. When the ruler of the Ascendant is placed in the Seventh House well aspected to other planets and in a double-sided sign, Gemini ,Sagittarius , or Pisces, it indicates a plurality of marriages.
The masculine Sun is the particular significator of the marriage partner in a woman's horoscope , and the feminine Moon signifies the spouse in a man's chart. Hence when the Sun and Moon are in good aspect to each other , or to Venus, the planet of love , or Jupiter , the planet of benevolence, happiness and joy are assured in the married relationship , particularly if these planets are placed in the Seventh House.
On the other hand , Saturn , Mars , Uranus or Neptune, afflicting the Sun in a female figure,or the Moon in a man's chart , indicate sorrow and trouble through the marriage relation. If they are placed in the Seventh House the testimony is all the more potent , and it is also foreshown that the marriage will be dissolved.
In this respect , Saturn and Mars indicate death of the marriage partner ; Uranus may also bring about this ending if afflicted by Saturn or Mars, but otherwise it points rather to a clandestine relationship which will probably bring about the dissolution of marriage by desertion or divorce.
如果一个或更多的凶星,如土星、火星、天王星和海王星落在了第七宫,和太阳、月亮在巨蟹、天蝎、双鱼等多产 星座(我的注明:多产星座包括金牛、巨蟹、天蝎、射手、双鱼与之相对的还有少产星座)
或者是落在了双子、射手等二元星座(二元星座是指具有二元征象的星座,包括双子(两个人)、射手(人和马)、 双鱼(二条鱼))。那么他可能会有多婚的可能,并很可能会导致悲伤。
如果太阳或月亮落在了双子、双鱼、人马这些二元星座,而又与许多行星产行相位,特别是这些星座是在第七宫。 当一宫宫主星落在了七宫,并刚好与落在双子,射手,双鱼等二元星座的其他行星形成相位,则预示着多婚的可能。 (这句话我还在想当中,大家有什么看法吗?)
阳性的太阳,在女生的命盘中有着丈夫的特殊含义,而阴性的月亮在男性命盘上则意味着妻子。因此当太阳和月亮 有一个好的相位,例如同主管爱情的金星、表示幸运的木星产生相位,那么婚姻关系保证会开心快乐,特别是这些行星 在第七宫的时候。
另一方面,如果土星、火星、天王星或者是海王星折磨着女生命盘的太阳或男生盘的月亮,预示着婚婚关系充满着 悲伤和困难,如果他们都处在第七宫,则以上所说的更加有可能发生,也预示着婚姻会破裂。
在这个关系中,土星和火星预示着伴侣的死亡,天王星可能终结来自土星和火星的折磨。但是另一方面,更可能会 因为外遇而导致婚姻失败。
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