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I developed a techniqueusing 6 Arabic Parts to describe past life situations— and what theindividual would be drawn to do in this lifetime based upon thepast activities. I used to calculate these for each of my studentsand it was very popular. It is important to use the modern formulafor these calculations. Do not consider Day and Night births forthese formulas.
1) Part of Fortune: ASC + Moon – Sun Since you areadding in the Moon, this describes instinctual patterns ofachievement based upon the personality profile from past lives.
2)Part of Spirit: ASC + Sun – Moon Since you are subtracting theMoon, this represents a new personality pattern to be developed inthis lifetime.
1) 福点: 上升+月亮-太阳.因为加上了月亮,所以这个点描述了你从前世的性格中所形成的本能的行为模式以及所取得的成果.
2) 灵魂点: 上升+太阳-月亮. 减去了月亮,这代表着你今生需要发展出的新的性格模式.
3) Part of Status: MC + Moon – Sun Since you areadding in the Moon, the past, this represents instinctual patternsfor achieving power, prestige, status and recognition from pastlives (a line of least resistence).
4) Part of Destiny: MC + Sun –Moon Since you are subtracting the influence of the Moon, thisrepresents new patterns to be developed along the lines of power anstatus in this lifetime.
3) 地位点: 中天+月亮-太阳.加上月亮,这代表着你前世中习惯的获取权力,名声,地位的方式.
4) 命运点: 中天+太阳-月亮.减去月亮的影响,这代表着你在今生需要发展出的追求权力与地位的方式.
5) Part of Bondage: ASC + Moon –Dispositor of Moon An area to which you are psychologically andemotionally tied. It is very difficult for you to let go of thissituation (determined by sign, house and any conjunction to a natalplanet).
6) Part of Enmity: ASC + 12th House cusp – Ruler of 12thHouse cusp This is where and why people do not like you. If itfalls on a natal planet, that planet will cause you problems inrelating. For example, this Part falling on Mars in Sagittarius maycause people to dislike you if you are too abrasive, too outspokenand lacking in tact.
5) 束缚点: 上升+月亮-月亮的守护星.你的内心所执着的区域.你很难放开这些东西(受所在星座,宫位以及任何与先天行星形成合相影响)
6) 敌人点: 上升+12宫头-12宫守护星.这个点说明了在哪些区域以及为什么人们不喜欢你.如果它与你先天行星合相,那会让你沟通方面产生问题.如果这个点落在射手火星上,而你又很直来直往,不注意自己语言的修饰的话,人们会因为这个而讨厌你.