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先天十二星座特殊度数 | 提拔与深陷
提拔度数 [Elevated Degrees] are (or rather, were) also known as "elevations", "peaks", "heights" and "degrees of increasing fortune"; planets in them are saved from detriment, changed from debility to dignity, rescued from affliction; if already strong, dignified, benefic, then their benefic influence is greatly amplified; if malefic, their negative influence is transformed into at least a mild benefic influence
行星位于提拔度数,若本身落陷,被(先后天) 凶星所伤,则从落陷状态提升到庙旺,也能免受凶星伤害;若本身已为庙旺,则吉性增倍;若为(先后天) 凶星,则凶性减弱。
深陷度数 / 井度数 [Pitted Degrees] also known as "pits", "depressions", "holes", "deep degrees" and "degrees of diminishing fortune"; regardless of strength or weakness, dignity or detriment or debility, affliction, benefic or malefic, planets in them are neutralized (at least partially) or "blocked" (usually relative degree of influence or to time of manifestation of influence)
+ Elevation: 18°
- Pits: 5° - 10° - 16° - 23°
+ Elevations: 2° - 14° - 26° - 29°
- Pits: 4° - 11° - 17° - 23° - 24° - 25°
+Elevation: 10°
- Pits: 1° - 11° - 16° - 25° - 29°
+Elevations: 0° - 1° - 2° - 13° - 14°
- Pits: 11° - 16° - 22° - 25° - 29°
+Elevations: 1° - 4° - 6° - 16°
- Pits: 5° - 12° - 14° - 21° - 22° - 27°
+Elevations: 1° - 4° - 16° - 19°
- Pits: 7° - 12° - 15° - 20° - 24°
+Elevations: 2° - 4° - 20°
- Pits: 0° - 6° - 19° - 29°
+Elevations: 6° - 11° - 19°
- Pits: 8° - 9° - 16° - 21° - 22° - 26°
+Elevations: 12° - 19°
- Pits: 6° - 11° - 14° - 23° - 26° - 29°
+Elevations: 12° - 13° - 19°
- Pits: 1° - 16° - 21° - 23° - 27°
+Elevations: 8° - 15° - 16° - 19°
- Pits: 0° - 11° - 21° - 28°
+Elevations: 17° - 19°
- Pits: 3° - 8° - 23° - 26° - 27°
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