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今天在astro网上仔细又学习了Erin Sullivan关于天王星的解析。自己天王合上升,所以也格外关注这颗行星,再加上天王在今年进入白羊座,由于黄道12宫以白羊为始,也就是天王星展开了它的一个新的循环。而且据一些占星者统计,天王星也和地球的灾难(地震、海啸等)有一定关联。
以下节选的是Sullivan 的书 "The Astrology of Midlife and Aging"(占星与人的中年及老年)当中的内容。(天王星的意涵大家在网上可以查到很多,所以,这里我只列举一些我读后整理出来的精要,很觉得独特的部分。以供大家参考。)
This will be a time for pioneers, adventurers and inventors. Uranus has become the standard bearer for such terms as liberation, freedom, choice, individuality, uniqueness, innovation, challenge and breaking out of old ways, challenging the status quo.
She(Gaia) grew lonely and wanted a mate. And so she created Ouranos, the heavens, to surround her and keep her constant company, and he enveloped the earth in all his aetheric power. Their union produced many offspring, such as the Cyclopes and the Titans.
And the polarization of "above and below", there issued a new archetype into life. The separation of heaven and earth, of male and female, the split of the archetypal parents into separate quarters, remains a strong and influential component in our collective and individual psyches.
We can view the "above/below" polarity in many ways. Not only does it symbolize the manifestation of conscious and unconscious behavior, it also represents the first inklings of dual perception - that there is something "outside ourself" or even deep within ourself that is in opposition or conflict.
Jung thought mediation of conflict was the stuff of life; that inner conflict resolution was the reply to the universal challenge toward wholeness. This is a powerful concept, and more often than not, resolution of inner conflict results in conscious peace of mind for individuals.
The function of Saturn and Uranus, the mythic father/son conflict as we experience it in mid-life, is about resolution of conflict and the need for change, even if it is a violent or disruptive act.
The urge for creative experimentation and individuation at midlife can be stuffed back down inside the psychic womb。
Howard Sasportas, in The Twelve Houses, says: "Uranus' house may show where we rashly disrespect the limits of our human-ness'. Presuming we can automatically transcend the restrictions of the physical body or 'rise above' the instinctual components of our nature, we commit the sin of hubris and invite punishment to fall on us."
12宫的作者Howard Sasportas认为,“天王”宫位往往显示了我们对我们自己作为“人”的限制,所表现出鲁莽的不敬。(是的,当你自己还没有从内在准备好的时候,对于创新,往往会有一种源自内心的深深的恐惧。这个时候,时机没有成熟,瓜不熟,蒂不落。所谓“中年危机”也是这样产生的吗。原来也是没有解决好自己和父母的牵连。)我们犯了过分骄傲的罪,惩罚就会自动找上门来。
Saturn is to do with the realm of the world and its forms. While Uranus is to do with the ideal of the world and its forms. To propitiate both is the trick. How to acknowledge the perfection of the Ideal, while humanly existing in the realm of the Real? Essentially, we are required periodically to give birth to ourselves as if it were a new idea, a new culture, a new mythology.
One might think that the principles of Uranus overpowering Saturn would be the "new way", but rather the opposite is what happens in our inner life. It is in this paradox that the astrological and therefore psychological struggle for identity lies.
An harmonious equilibrium between both is the substance of progress, evolution and the development of consciousness.