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Michael Jackson的本命分析案例

SkyScript论坛中有个讨论热烈的本命解盘贴,盘的主角是Michael Jackson。回帖中一个署名为Ben的人以中世纪古典占星技术对Michael Jackson本命盘进行了全面剖析,帖子发表于2004年8月。这个案例内容详尽,行文规整,通过它我们可以大致了解一下中世纪古典占星家对本命盘的解析思路。
Michael Jackson的本命盘这里直接沿用原贴贴出的盘。Michael Jackson的出生资料:1958.08.29, 11:43pm, Gary, In, USA。

/qb 8 29 1958 23:43:00 ST +5:00  87:20:00W 41:34:00N
/zi "迈克尔杰克逊"

Michael <wbr>Jackson的本命分析案例(一)

第一部分内容是分析Michael Jackson的性格和体格特征,从Temperament开始。
< Michael Jackson Character and Body >
ASC: Gemini (Hot, Wet)
Almuten: Merc (Hot, more Dry)
Moon square ASC (Cold, Wet)
Venus sextile ASC (Hot, Wet)
Saturn oppose ASC (Cold, Dry)
Hot = 3, Cold = 2, Wet = 3, Dry = 2: Hot and Wet.
Temperament is sanguine. Humanitarian, liberal, artistic, creative. Artist, musician, active, people-connected activities.
注:Temperament是那时常用的分析方式,Lilly的《基督占星》有介绍。这个方法是以上升点为核心,考察其位置以及与之构成相位行星性质, 然后累加出个属性排出顺序,最突出的属性体现了盘主的个性特征。Hot、Cold、Dry之类的属性我不太习惯,我喜欢在需要记点时直接使用行星,效果也 不错。不过,如果重在分析盘主的性格,直接考察上升、日月后得出综合结果更直截了当,Temperament缺少了对日月影响力的揉和。

Gendered body type: Gemini rising, and the majority of planets aspecting the ASC and almuten are masculine: body inclines more towards masculine.
Modal type: Motive (2nd decan Gemini): long rectangle (Gemini) with a triangle (decan). Longish, masculine body with broader shoulders and narrower waist and hips.
Height and weight: tall (Gemini), esp. with all the masculine motive planets aspecting the almuten and ASC.
Planetary body type:

ASC: Saturn opposes by 4.55, Venus sextile by 3.04, Moon squares by 2.48.
Almuten (Mercury): conjuncts Sun by over 10.00, trine Saturn by 6.12, square Mars by 3.13.
Even though Saturn is farther away than the other planets, he is the most angular above the horizon, and aspects both; and his body type is more in line with the other bodily testimonies that show height rather than round (Moon) or short and squarish (Mars).
Saturn: hard-working, suffering, serious, scientific, criminal. Suffers in silence; dreary and sad. Wisdom achieved through suffering, experience and study. An anti-social streak.

Prime Motivation:

Gemini: The native seeks freedom of expression and movement, using airy means like speech, interactions, ideas.
-Dom/almuten: Mercury. In 4th, retrograde, sunbeams, angular. Afflicted by Saturn. Tries through the family, using speech, ideas, and business. Somewhat successful here, with fear, setbacks, and difficulties.
-Trip: Mercury. See above.
-Trip: Saturn. In 7th, in triplicity, angular. Through marriage and partnerships. They will be better if over business and property, not if they are marriages.
-Trip: Jupiter. In 5th, triplicity, succeedent. Through entertainments, children, having fun, esp. through singing, travel, generosity and money-related ventures. Successful here.
-Term: Venus. In 4th, afflicted by Mars, angular. Through family and the home, using love, partying, women and beauty. Pretty successful here, despite the affliction.
-Decan: Mars. In 12th, detriment, cadent. Through his private life. Unsuccessful here.
Aspecting ASC:
-Square Moon by 2.48. Adds glamorous, fantasy reputation and position and actions.
-Sextile Venus by 3.04. Adds a love of home and family; a nice home and family.
-Oppose Saturn by 4.55. Adds contentions with enemies, marriages that are sad.
Native seeks freedom of expression and movement, using speech, interactions, ideas, seeking a glamorous, fantasy reputation and position; he has a love of home and family, and tends to engage in contentions with enemies and marriages that are sad.
He is somewhat successful in achieving this happiness through his family (using speech, ideas, business); and more so through entertainments, children and having fun, esp. through singing, travel, generosity and money-related ventures; and less so through Venusian activities involving the home, i.e., a beautiful home, partying, etc.
The native will be unsuccessful in any attempts to achieve this freedom in his private life; indeed he has secret enemies and these private, hidden things will work against him. He should also be careful about his partnerships with others – any marriages will be colored with gloom and sadness, and he has open enemies; but perhaps if they involve business or property relations (Saturn) they will contribute more to his happiness.

Quality of Mind:

Mercury: retrograde, angular, sunbeams. Leo. Afflicted by Mars. Fixed.
Moon: Angular, triplicity. Afflicted by Saturn. Mutable.
Moon is stronger; no relation between them; moon squares ASC.
Native lives more according to the pleasures of the senses than the intellect; and these will tend to diverge from and conflict with the intellect. Emotions/desires are more changeable and it is difficult for him to know what he seeks; but his mind is more fixed and stable. The thrust of his mind is honest, gentle (Jupiter disposes Moon, sextiles both Mercury and Mercury’s dispositor). Afflictions show less stability and sharpness: harshness of emotions: Mars shows a quarrelsome mind and unjust; Saturn shows dishonest emotions.
Lilly’s method shows Saturn (good condition) and Mars (bad condition) as signifying manners because they aspect Mercury and the Moon. See above.
Triplicity rulers of Angles:

ASC: Mercury (angular but highly afflicted); Saturn (angular, unafflicted), Jupiter (succeedent, unafflicted).
MC: Same.

Native’s ability to achieve what he wants out of life is realized, but afflicted by, his family members, in the first 1/3of life; he becomes known for, and engages in, sad and difficult partnerships and encounters with enemies in the middle third. In the last 1/3 of life, he achieves more happiness and peace, being known for actions that are generous, fun, wise; travel, children, etc.
Interpretation Summary:
Native is a sanguine personality, creative, liberal, artistic, engaged in people-oriented activities. He is hard-working, suffers and is aware of suffering; tends toward dreary and sad, achieving wisdom through suffering and experience, and with an anti-social streak.
Native lives more according to the pleasures of the senses than the intellect. The emotions are more changeable, it is difficult for him to know what he seeks, and there are signs of dishonest emotions; emotions diverge from and conflict with his intellect; his intellect is more fixed and stable but he has a quarrelsome mind. Still, the general thrust of his mind is honest.
Native’s body is masculine, with short trunk and longer arms and legs; broad shoulders and narrower waist and hips suggesting a triangle superimposed on a longish rectangle. His height is about 6’, and normal weight between 157-170#.
In terms of his personal happiness, the native seeks the freedom of expression and movement, using speech, interactions, ideas, seeking a glamorous, fantasy reputation and position; he has a love of home and family, and tends to engage in contentions with enemies and marriages that are sad.
He is successful in achieving this happiness through his family (using speech, ideas, business); through entertainments, children and having fun, esp. through singing, travel, generosity and money-related ventures; and less so through Venusian activities involving the home, i.e., a beautiful home, partying, etc.
The native will be unsuccessful in attempts to achieve this freedom in his private life; indeed he has secret enemies and these private, hidden things will work against him. He should also be careful about his partnerships with others – any marriages will tend to be gloomy and sad; but perhaps if they involve business or property relations (Saturn) they will contribute more to his happiness.
The first third of life will see him finding what he wants out of life on account of family, but he will also be afflicted and encounter difficulties here. The second third of life will see him in sad and difficult relationships and encounters with enemies, though his efforts and activities are strong. The third third of life will see him enjoying himself more and being happier – pleasure, travel, enjoyment, perhaps teaching or being wise; good relationships and friends.



第二部分分析Michael Jackson本命盘的地位。Rank of Fame包含了社会地位、名望、以及生活质量、幸运程度等方面。Ben对得出的结论列出了非常详细的分析依据。
< Michael Jackson “Rank of Fame” Delineation >

Rank of fame deals with the native’s reputation and the actual level of social contribution and power/influence he or she operates at. So it is a kind if mixture of what other people think, along with the real actions and influence that affect (and effect) reputation.
The sun is used as a natural significator of fame, along with the MC, plus some other considerations such the “slavery” considerations: e.g., how powerful the malefics are versus the benefics and luminaries. In medieval astrology, people with malefics more pronounced tend to have a lower quality of life, encounter more difficulties and struggle – which clearly affects one’s rank of fame.
Below I also use profections, firdaria, and primary directions to determine times of fame and increased reputation.
N.B.: I did some quick research on the internet to find dates of album releases and so on, since those are obvious signs of fame. But I often found that different websites have conflicting dates (or even the year!) of some releases. And Sony leaves out a number of things I had to find elsewhere. If anyone else knows of events that match the dates below, I’d be grateful (I really don’t feel like reading his whole autobiography!)
上面是对Rank of Fame分析的说明,包括对本命分析涉及的领域,以及个人发展的后天运。
Angular, unafflicted, but in 4th house below horizon. Fame is indicated.
Sextile Jupiter: the native is known as generous, expansive, philosophical, native often exaggerates.
Dispositor Mercury: in the 4th, conjunct Sun. Fame on account of his family.
Planets in the 10th: Moon. Angular; afflicted by Saturn.
Planets aspecting the MC: Venus opposes by 1.33, Mars squares by 3.15, Saturn sextiles by 0.16.
Rulers of MC:
-Saturn. Angular, triplicity, trine Mercury, square Moon, trine Venus.
- Mercury. Angular, retrograde, sunbeams, afflicted by Mars.
-Jupiter. Succeedent, unafflicted,
Almuten MC: Saturn.
Native is known for actions that are:
Saturn (strongest, most testimonies): involve difficult partnerships and contentions with enemies; hard work, discipline, suspicion.
Also Venereal activities (she is the primary professional significator) and self-destructive actions, afflictions by enemies.
Luminaries angular; benefics angular/succeedent.
Malefics are elevated above sun, and one is angular; Moon is afflicted by Saturn; Mars in 12th.
上面是对地位、名望的分析,以太阳、10、中天的主宰星为主,考察那些与之形成相位的行星、宫内星、定位星等。这里对Rulers of MC和Almuten MC有些不解,按古典占星传统,Almuten MC应是正解,不过在这个案例里,两者都同属一颗行星,所以不影响论断结论。这里,对Slavery(下属)的分析很简单,也没有写出直接的结论,貌似分析依据是以发光星体宫位的强弱和吉星/凶星的对比力量为着眼点,作者没有提到对6宫的使用。

Liber Hermetis:
Moon applies to both malefics. Native’s fame (and reputation, in 10th) turns difficult and afflicted.
Firmicus: none.
Native is not at the greatest heights of service, but is not held down and it looks as though he achieves a high level. Look for things to turn downward as time goes on, with difficulties and afflictions.
Mercury is oriental and aspects the Sun. Saturn is occidental and aspects the Moon. Their almutens are Jupiter and the Sun: each is strong, unafflicted. This adds more fame, honor, entertainment, pleasure that the native is known for.
5 planets are angular and 4 aspect the angles; Moon is afflicted. The native has a fairly strong social functioning.
Liber Hermetis、Firmicus、Doryphory是三位著名的占星家,这三个人不是同时代的人,代表了不同的时代,所以各自的方法不同。Ben同时列出了三个分析依据,可谓是非常细致。
Firdaria of the Sun:
As chief firdar ruler: Aug 2002 – Aug 2012: not sure; just began.
As sub-firdar ruler:
Oct 1963 – Feb 1965 (age 5-6): Jackson 5 comes to fame.
May 72 – Dec 73 (age 13-16): Jackson 5 records series of hit singles.
Feb 82 – Oct 83 (age 23-25): Thriller released, huge international star.
Aug 91 – Aug 92 (age 33-34): Dangerous released; he starts an international relief foundation.
Jul 2019 – Aug 2020 (age 61-62):
Dec 2029 – Oct 2031 (age 71-73):

Profection of the 10th to itself:
Age 24 (1982): Thriller released; huge international star.
Age 36 (1994): Highly publicized marriage to Lisa Marie Presley; first scandal over boy erupts.
Age 48 (2006):
Age 60 (2018):
Primary directions:
Sun to sextile Jupiter (as benefic and playing part in the doryphory): June 1965 (age 7): Not sure.
ASC to square Sun: Sept 1965 (age 7): not sure.
ASC to sextile Sun (converse): Sept 1981 (age 23): not sure.
MC to conjunct Moon (planet in 10th): Mar 1984 (age 25): not sure.
ASC to trine Sun: May 1988 (age 29): not sure.
Sun to square Jupiter: Nov 97 (age 39): unsure; Blood on the Dance Floor released in November.
MC to trine Sun: Jan 2003 (age 44): unsure.
Sun to conjunct Jupiter (converse): June 2010 (age 51)
Sun to oppose Moon (planet in 10th): June 2010 (age 51)
I don’t have information on his locations during solar returns, or else benefics in the 10th during a solar return are supposed to show fame for that year.
The native will eventually suffer on account of enemies and poor relationships (Saturn angular, sextile MC and opposing ASC); but the native’s fame/reputation will generally remain strong.
上面是推运分析,Ben用了三个推运法:Firdaria是中世纪常用的推运法,推的是时主大运;Profection被称为小限,在希腊时期已经普及使用,一直流传到中世纪晚期下来,直到近代才被逐渐淡忘;Primary directions是现今人们所说的主限法,用来推精确的时点,一直沿用至今。对于这三个推运法,我个人对Profection有偏好。

Native will achieve fame on account of his family, and will be known as being generous, philosophical, and as an exaggerator [could this be extravagance and excess, esp. because of the 5th house location of Jupiter? He has been criticized for his exaggerated sense of self]. He will be known for actions involving difficult partnerships and contentions with enemies, hard work, suspicion, along with self-destructive actions and afflictions by enemies. (He will also be known because of his professional activities, which are related to arts, music, entertainment – see professional delineation in later installment).
As time passes the native’s reputation will become more difficult and afflicted, but generally speaking his fame remains strong, and he will probably achieve a rather high level of fame, with important social functioning.
As for periods when fame is achieved, see above. But note:
Thriller came out and brought great fame during the period of the firdar of the Sun and Jupiter (Feb 82 – Oct 83) and the profection of the 10th to itself (Aug 82-83). The Sun is the natural significator of fame, but Jupiter sextiles him and shares in the doryphory rulership, so this would make sense.
From Oct 2009 – Mar 2011, his firdaria rulers are again the Sun and Jupiter, and the converse direction of the Sun to Jupiter takes place in roughly June 2010, as does the Sun directed to oppose the Moon. His life (ASC) and actions (MC) should be ruled by their third triplicity ruler Jupiter by that time, so I would expect this period, especially 2010, to be a time of increased fame, social functioning and happiness.
See above for other matches between predictive techniques and life events.

上面是第二部分分析的小结内容。下一部分分析的是Michael Jackson的职业和特长。


第三部分分析Michael Jackson的职业和特长。通过对四轴的考察,找出对职业影响力突出的征象星。

这个帖子的发起人Deb(有可能是SkyScript网站的站长),曾表示Michael Jackson的命盘分析有一定难度,起初是对流年事件的分析,引发了很多的回帖,精彩的观点颇多,后来焦点逐渐侧重到了对古典占星理论的探讨上。这部分 可以算是Ben的解盘分析中最有价值的内容之一,虽然文字并不多。古典占星非常注重轴点的重要性,在Michael Jackson的盘中,四轴的力量显要突出于其它因素,所以金星的地位一目了然。通常,如果行星间相对的地位不突出的人,缺少专属领域或者是多长,这容易 让人在不同阶段中变换工作性质,目标不够明确,或者从事的职业非本身所长,但绝大多数成功的人,能将特长与职业完好的结合。

< Michael Jackson's Profession or Mastery >

“Profession” here has to do with a fundamental skill the native has for his/her whole life, and which wants to be expressed; it relates to what the native is meant to do in society. The goal is to identify a planet or planets that govern a certain range of abilities. The profession or mastery may not be the native’s day job.

Planets in/aspecting angles:
Moon (10th) – I already said this involves glamour
Saturn (7th)
Venus (4th)
Mercury (4th)
Sun (4th)

Favor Venus and Mercury; Venus is closer to the cusp so gets favored.

Rulers of angles (all of which are almutens, too):
1st: Mercury. Angular, sunbeams, afflicted by a Mars square.
10th: Saturn. Angular, triplicity, unafflicted, trined by Venus, aspecting MC closest of all.
7th: Jupiter. Succeedent, unafflicted.
4th: Sun. angular, unafflicted.

Don’t make Mercury the main significator because Venus is more angular and aspects the MC. But he should be considered secondary because of his rulership of the 1st and his angularity.
Saturn should be considered as an addition because of his rulership of the MC and his close aspect to it (and the ASC).

Professional significator is Venus with Mercury participating; and Saturn added in. Look to Ptolemy for a description of Venus-Mercury and Saturn aspecting (Tet. IV.4).

The almuten of these three is the Sun, which adds glamour, authority; activities where presence is important.

With so many planets angular, the native has a number of skills.

Venus and Mercury are angular, so strong; but they are afflicted by a square from Mars (in detriment in the 12th, ruler of 6th, exalted ruler of 8th). So the native’s skill is high. But he will incur danger and destruction on account of his profession, likely from hidden enemies or the native’s own self-destruction (12th) – incarceration and condemnation.

上述解析的结论是,金水靠近轴点,且以金星为最突出,所以金水是首要的职业取向,土星其次,也具备支持力量。得到这些依据后,可以通过托勒密的四书记载查 看金水混合特性所代表的职业,具体的作者没有说明。根据四书中的记载,这个组合代表了音乐、舞蹈、诗人等,如果伴有土星支持,还涉及到服饰(女性)。一个 人的星所落入的宫位强弱,对技能影响很大,作者随后也指出了这点。

The native’s “profession” or personal skill that wants to be expressed, is related to activities in music, theater, entertainment, and pretty things, and professions related to women’s finery. Look for professions that involve visibility and personal presence or even glamour. The previous delineation of Rank of Fame showed that the native does experience fame, so it is reasonable that what he is famous for is also his profession (instead of it being a special hobby unrelated to his day job).

The native’s skill is high; but there is danger of incarceration, troubles, condemnation, on account of hidden enemies or self-destruction on account of it.

对于Michael Jackson的事业综合小结。后面第四部分将是对Michael Jackson的财富分析。


第四部分分析Michael Jackson的财富情况。2宫、福点、以及与财富联系紧密的行星是考察的重点对象。

< Michael Jackson Financial Significator >

This delineation focuses both on a cluster of significators of wealth (Jupiter, Moon, rulers of the 2nd) and a special significator that is supposed to show where the native makes his wealth, whether by good or bad means, etc. Then there are some predictive techniques (some of which I omit since I don’t know the state of his income levels!)

One thing not apparent in this delineation is that the financial significator is found through a ranking system: starting with the POF, you see if each candidate meets certain criteria. If it fails, you reject it as the significator and move to the next one. The more you reject, the poorer the native is. In MJ’s case, the POF is in a good situation, with a very benefic Jupiter as its dispositor – so it was the significator, indicates strong, wealth, and there was no need to go any further.

上面是对财富状况分析的出发点说明。这里提到了一个ranking system,古典占星理论中充斥着这样和那样的ranking system,在本命的多个领域都可以派上用场,当然,也可以忽视这些相对客观的记点方式,直接从盘中推导结论,方法的选择在于人。


1. Rulers of the 2nd:
Almuten/domicile: Moon. Angular in 10th; afflicted by Saturn square. She can perform but not at high level.
Exalted: Jupiter. Succeedent in 5th, in triplicity and unafflicted.
Triplicity: Mars. Detriment and cadent. Cannot perform.
Triplicity: Venus. Angular in 4th. Afflicted by square to Mars. She can perform but not at high level.
Triplicity: Moon. See above.
Term: Mars. See above.

Jupiter: The native’s strongest and most lasting source of income by this method is through activities involving entertainment (5th), children (5th), travel, teaching (Jupiter by nature).

这是对2宫状况的分析,也是决定财富的焦点因素。2宫的主宰星为月亮,落10宫强,但土星相位 会导致不稳定,作为耗财因素,土星对冲着上升点构成对其生命历程的障碍源之一,Jackson的财也多损失在这里,月亮的主宰星为木星,木星也处于强势, 表明盘主拥有很强的赚钱能力。另外,由于木星相对强势,落于5宫,所以盘主的财富来源于5宫所代表的事务。

2. Triplicity rulers of 2nd corresponding to 1/3 of life:
First third: Mars. Cadent, detriment. Income lowest here.
Second third: Venus. Angular, afflicted by Mars. Income strong.
Third third: Moon. Angular, afflicted by Saturn. Income strong.


3. Jupiter (natural significator of substance)
See above.

4. Moon (another natural significator)
See above.

So native does have wealth that comes mainly from activities surrounding entertainment, children, travel, teaching. His income will increase as he gets older, and while there are troubles and contentions afflicting his money situation, generally things look good.


Specific significator (FS)
a. Part of Fortune (3 Sag 29). Unafflicted. Triplicity ruler Sun aspects it, and the Sun is himself unafflicted and strong.

The POF is the special financial significator. Being at the top of the list, it shows wealth and ease in getting it. Its dispositor is Jupiter, succeedent and unafflicted in the 5th – again, from entertainments, etc.

By quadrant, its almuten is Mars. By whole sign houses, its almuten is Jupiter.
Where the native gets his wealth:
POF in the 6th: native gets wealth from subordinates and people who attend to him. (Could this mean fans?)
Almuten of the 6th is in the 12th: from institutions, confinements, secret enemies. (Could this mean on account of difficult contracts and other means that make life confining?)
By whole sign houses, the almuten of the POF is Jupiter (see above).

By what activities:
Ruler of POF is Jupiter, unafflicted: from offices and responsibilities, managing important things.

Legality and licitness of the wealth:
Again, the ruler is Jupiter. He sextiles the Sun, significator of fame. So the native makes his money by licit and laudable means.


Location of the ruler of the ASC:
In the 4th. The family and the native’s property (i.e., immoveable property like a home) also plays a positive role in his accumulation of wealth.

When wealth is gotten:
Triplicity rulers (see above): in the latter 2/3 of life.

Primary direction of POF:
Square the MC: Sept 1977 (Age 19)
Oppose ASC: August 1988 (Age 29-30)
Sextile Sun: June 1994 (Age 35)
Trine Sun: Feb 1997 (Age 38)
(Remember primary directions don’t show every important event)

Profecting the 2nd house is probably not worth doing, in an extensive way, since you’d pretty much have to be his accountant to know what his income was year to year. But I do note that his profected 2nd comes to the 12th house this year, which has a Mars in detriment (he also afflicts the ruler of the 12th). Malefics mean expenses, so the native will have many debts and expenses this year.

Firdar of the FS’s ruler (Jupiter): Aug 1978 – Aug 1990 (Ages 20 – 32).


The native’s wealth is strong and comes easily. His most lasting and strong source of income some on account of activities involving entertainment, fun, children, teaching and traveling. He will have important managerial responsibilities in earning it, and he will make his money by licit and laudable means.

His family and property will also play a positive role in his accumulation of wealth.

He may also gain wealth on account of subordinates or people serving him; and institutions or secret enemies or otherwise things that confine and restrict him. [Note: if this is correct, perhaps it means fans and restrictive contracts and managers? I favor Jupiter, but there may be something to this.]

His wealth will be greatest in the last 2/3 of life, and there will be an extra emphasis on finances from 1978-90. [Note his great fame and wealth during this period, especially the Jupiter-Sun firdar – Jupiter is wealth, the Sun fame, and they are strong and in aspect in the natal figure.]

对于Michael Jackson的财富分析小结。之后第五部分将是对Michael Jackson的婚姻分析。


第五部分分析Michael Jackson的婚姻情况。作者对这部分的分析极其细致,内容显得非常冗长,是几个部分中篇幅最多的一部,完整看完需要耐心,当然,我认为为之付出这份耐心是值得的。有人解盘习惯列出判断原因,有人习惯直接论述结果,有分析依据的文章篇幅会多些,好处就是可读性更强。

纵观这部分内容,作者从多个侧面归纳一个人的婚姻状况,包括了对第七宫及其宫主星的状况、月亮(代表女性配偶,男性为日)、金星、婚姻点、火星、日月等六 个方面,根据文中列出的分析依据,我们可以了解到作者对婚姻分析的主要脉络。作者的分析思路不能在总体上代表古典占星的应用,只是一部分有代表性的观点, 占星方法的选择取决于人,不同的人会有各自的研判法则和侧重。文中部分细节分析或许会给人有添足的感觉,但由于它们都是建基在最基础的占星理论之上,只要 了解这些基础知识,就不难理解其应用,有兴趣的可以根据自己的体会汲取有益的部分。

< Michael Jackson Marriage Delineation >

This is a complex and interesting sort of delineation, having a number of steps. I’ll make comments about technique as I go along to give you the general gist.

The main thing in these considerations is how the marriage functions and contributes to flourishing and objective satisfaction (and by extension, reproduction), rather than finding a soul-mate. As far back as Plato people have talked about romantic partners as soul-mates, but the key functional questions are: will he marry, how many times, is it a good match, are they sexually compatible, will his social status and functioning be more upward and beneficial?

Part of Men’s Marriage is: 12 Aqu 21

上面是对婚姻分析的序言,后面列出的Part of Men’s Marriage是婚姻点,落在水瓶座12度21分,这个指标在后面会用到。

1. 7th house/Part/Marriage Almuten/Planets

7th house delineation in marriage context
Planets in 7th: Saturn, angular, triplicity, unafflicted. Square Moon, trine Mercury, trine Venus, oppose Asc, sextile MC.

Domicile/Almuten: Jupiter. Succeedent, unafflicted, in 5th.
Exalted: none.
Triplicity: Jupiter. See above.
Triplicity: Sun. Angular and unafflicted in the 4th, aided by sextile to Jupiter.
Triplicity: Saturn. Angular and unafflicted in the 7th, aided by trine to Venus.
Term: Venus.
Decan: Moon.
(Jupiter has the most testimonies)

Saturn in the 7th and Jupiter the domicile ruler, each unafflicted and strong and each aspecting the Lord of the ASC by benefic aspects, the native does marry. But the native’s relationships will be burdened and hard work, and will be a burden on his personal happiness (Saturn oppose ASC). Look for the native’s finances and reputation to be negatively affected by his relationships (Saturn square Moon, Lord of 2nd and in 10th); there is generally a professional element to his marriages (Saturn sextile MC).

The native’s marriage is related to his Jupiterian entertainments and pursuits: generosity, travel, humanitarianism (in Libra) – so he will meet at least one wife through these or on account of these; by derived houses, he might meet her through her friends. Saturn as Lord of the 10th in the 7th, the native’s relationships come about through his professional work and through people of authority and high status (strong, moderately dignified Saturn Lord of 10th, in 7th and aspecting Moon in the 7th).



Marriage Significators and Almuten:
7th: Afflicted by conjunction to Saturn; trine Venus.
Jupiter (Lord 7th): Succeedent and unafflicted.
Saturn: Angular and unafflicted.
Moon: Angular and afflicted by square Saturn.
Venus: Angular and afflicted by square Mars.
Part MM: Cadent (afflicted).

Jupiter is the almuten of these (= Marriage Almuten)

The majority are afflicted, and Saturn is malefic (albeit helped by the trine to Venus).
The Lord of the ASC is trined by the Marriage Almuten.

The native’s marital bliss will be middling, with sadness and laboriousness a feature.
But note the marriage almuten’s good condition: this suggests that they will be of benefit to him despite the problems.

7th house on Sagittarius, a fire sign and mutable, the native marries two women.

The Lord of the ASC is lighter than, and joined to, the almuten of the 7th: the native wants to copulate with women.

这部分是在7宫及其主宰星的基础上,纳入了其它分析元素,通过综合各个元素的优劣得出婚姻的综合结果,这种形式也有点量化评价的感觉。Part MM指的是前面提到过的Part of Men’s Marriage,因为落在9宫水瓶而被认失势。作者指出Jackson因为7宫起点落在射手(火相、变动型星座)而会有二次婚姻,这个依据如果不结合其它因素一同说明,会显得结论过于武断。

Part of Marriage:
The Part is cadent, but in the 9th and otherwise unafflicted. Its Lord is Saturn, angular and unafflicted. Venus aspects both, though she is afflicted.
The quality of the wife is middling – i.e., a somewhat suitable match for the native.

Planet signifying wife (Moon):
Moon afflicted and in triplicity. The wife’s social class is middling. Note that the natal figure shows the native will be wealthy and prominent, so she is probably below him in status.

Extra technique: Lords of the 7th, Part of Marriage, Moon, and Venus not aspecting [i.e., receiving] them – the native will not marry or won’t like women.


2. Moon: Luminary signifying opposite sex (in male nativities)

This consideration evaluates the appropriateness the wife and the joy of the marriage. What I find interesting about this part is that if more than one wife is indicated, the number of planets aspecting the Moon indicates the number and nature of the wives. Here I exclude the Sun since I want to treat him in terms of his general role in showing the stability of the marriages (see below).

She is angular, but afflicted by Saturn, in her 3rd quarter. Her triplicity rulers are: Mars (very afflicted), Venus (angular, afflicted), and herself (angular, afflicted).

The Moon and Venus are each strong in quantity but all afflicted. So this is more testimony for a middling marriage of average happiness, with affliction.

Moon’s aspects:
Opposing Sun: (this is a sign of divorce and strife)
Sextile Mars: the wife is headstrong; arguing, unstable.
Square Saturn: the wife is baseborn and unwholesome. (Ptolemy: stern and hardworking)

So the native has two wives (excluding the Sun): a Martial wife who argues, and a Saturnian wife who is difficult and inflexible. The opposition to the Sun says he divorces at least one.

[Note: He married Lisa Marie Presley during the profection of his 10th to itself – and its ruler is Saturn in the 7th, who also is the one afflicting his Moon (the Moon-Sun signifies divorce). His second wife Debbie Rowe used to work for him as a nurse, and is very much out of the public eye – Mars is the ruler of the 6th – servants. So I’m going to treat Presley as the Saturnian wife, and Rowe as the Martial wife.]

这部分的分析很有意思,是对月亮的深入分析。对于男性盘,配偶为月亮代表,月亮自身位置的好坏以及其三位主宰星的强弱影响了其综合性质。当判断盘主有二次 以上婚姻后,可以通过与月亮形成相位的行星推断相应的配偶情况。这里作者没有明确指出盘主二婚的核心论断依据,从前面的内容看,土7宫、射手7宫、及日月 对冲均构成了影响因素。

3. Venus: General Love Significator

Again, whether the marriages bring more harm or good, and how appropriate the wife is.

Venus is angular and afflicted by Mars. Her triplicity rulers are: Jupiter (strong, unafflicted), Sun (strong, unafflicted), Saturn (strong, unafflicted).

Venus rather afflicted but her triplicity rulers strong: the native will marry an inappropriate and disagreeable woman, but he will be fortunate and will find utility from it.

Ptolemy says: Venus with Saturn, the wife will bequeath him enough of the goods of life, and she will love him and the children a lot.

Venus is peregrine. But Jupiter is in one of her signs (Libra): the native’s marriage has more good than bad, and will be praised by others.

Venus is squared by Saturn and Jupiter aspects neither: the native will not delight much with women, and if he marries, he won’t enjoy sex much.

These testimonies say the native’s marriage (or one of them) won’t be a very good match so far as personalities and having sex goes, but it will be praised by others and generally provide more good than bad.


4. Mars: Significator of Male Sexuality

This overlaps with section 6 below. Mars shows how hot to trot the native is for sex – generally, the more dignified and strong, the more appropriately lusty he is.

Mars in detriment: the native cultivates sex excessively and causes impediments and business problems [because of it].

(Defer everything else to the section on Venus-Mars-Saturn)


5. Lastingness of the Marriage

Here we look at the luminaries: good aspects and no afflictions tends to show the marriage lasts; if the opposite, the opposite.

Luminaries in opposition, Saturn afflicting one (Moon): there will be a legal contest or separation (could be the Saturnian wife) and they are not reunited (no benefics aspecting Moon).

Both malefics aspect the Moon; he will be the dissenter.

[An adaptation of a technique mentioned specifically for women:] Mercury aspecting the malefic that afflicts the Moon, the divorce is much gossiped about; Venus aspecting as well, the divorce happens by suspicion or adultery.

So the divorce probably concerns the Saturnian wife: they are divorced but are not reunited, he initiates the divorce, it concerns suspicions or adultery (or similar things), and it is all much gossiped about.


6. Mars-Venus-Saturn: Misc Sexuality and Emotion Considerations

Here, Mars, Venus and Saturn are treated as general significators. There is a lot of stuff in here about incest and disapproved sex interests. Generally, Mars means lust, Venus means sexuality in general, and Saturn adds conservatism and propriety (but afflicting and in a bad condition, things get sexually dysfunctional and strange).

Mars square Venus, with Mercury also involved. Mars is in detriment, afflicting her from the 12th. So the native’s sex drive is unusual or wild.

Venus trine Saturn, with Mercury involved. The wife is older, and there is a public dimension to the marriage.

All three planets together, the marriage is not durable or useful.

Overall, the sexuality situation is unstable – propriety mixed with an unusual or wild sex drive. Mars cadent and in detriment, this could be sexual dysfunction or strange sex interests. Note: If Saturn had squared Venus, I would have said the sexuality issued tended toward the really unusual, criminal, disgusting.

Since Mars and Saturn each indicate a wife, and since they each play different roles in this section, I’m tempted to separate them somewhat: although they all characterize MJ’s sexuality, the Saturnian wife is older, it is a publicized marriage, it is less sexual and more gloomy; the Martial marriage is the one that is the more unusual, with sexual irregularities. Mars in the 12th, the wife is kept more hidden [which is true]?

对性欲的深度分析,是对金火土三星组合情况的考察。火星代表欲望和性能力,金星是情爱,土星代表有孛常伦或有争议的观念或行为。行星组合分析是古典占星的 重要内容之一,灵活运用可以用来推导潜藏信息。Jackson的火星对金星相位除了显示出强烈欲望外,也透露出难以得到满足或可能存在非正常的偏好(火 12宫陷且受到禁闭),金星的情爱和谐度同时也被土星压制着,这里作者指出Jackson的金土相位好在是120度,如果是90度则可能会招致麻烦甚至犯 罪。Jackson的土星是8宫之主,所以土星的好坏具有更突出的影响。


6. Predicting the Marriages

Profection of the ASC:
To the 7th: ages 18, 30, 42, 54.
To the house where the domicile ruler of the 7th is: 28, 40, 52
To another sign ruled by the domicile ruler of the 7th (i.e., Pisces): 34, 46, 58

Profection of the 7th:
To the house containing its domicile ruler: 34, 46, 58
To another sign ruled by its domicile ruler (i.e., Pisces): 28, 40, 52

(Omitting solar returns due to lack of information; but the degree of the natal 7th in the ASC of a solar return is an argument for marriage that year.)

Primary direction of the Moon to the Marriage Almuten (Jupiter): Oct 1999.

Period of the Lords of the 1st and 7th (Mercury-Jupiter): Jul 85 – Mar 87

None of these dates/ages match. But in my (limited) experience, the profections will often show the age at which the future spouses met or became seriously involved, as opposed to the actual ceremony. I would be grateful if anyone knew when he actually met/got involved with each of his wives. Plus, since the firdaria period (ages 27-28) overlaps with some of the profection dates, perhaps his 1988 autobiography might talk about a romance taking place at that time?

对Jackson的婚运推导还是使用Profection、Primary direction、Firdaria三种方法,有兴趣的可以结合Jackson的历史事件看看。

7. Summary:

The native does marry. He marries at least twice, though not necessarily in this order:

1. A Saturnian wife who is difficult, hardworking and inflexible. [I believe this is Presley]
2. A Martial wife who is argumentative and difficult [I believe this is Rowe]

The divorce of the first wife is at his initiative, on account of suspicions or adultery. It is much gossiped about.

He should expect to find his wives from the following areas: professional activity, perhaps with or through someone of authority and status; and on account of his entertainments and pleasures (i.e., his philanthropy, travel, etc.). He might meet one wife through her own friends.

[Note: He married Presley first, during a profection of the 10th to itself, the Lord of the 10th being Saturn. So the theme for that year was a professional partnership. He later divorced her. His second wife, Rowe, used to be his nurse, and is secluded: Mars is the Lord of the 6th and in the 12th.]

The native will have only middling marital bliss, his marriages being characterized by burdens and difficulties (including being a burden on his personal happiness), even though they will be of benefit to him. At least one of the wives is a disagreeable and inappropriate woman. The marriages will afflict his finances and possibly his reputation and image. Still, the marriages are praised.

The wives’ social status and suitability is middling; since the native has indications of fame and wealth, they are likely to be of lower status.

Sexual indications are mixed, with signs both of disinclination to sex and an unusual (perhaps unusually active) libido. I’m inclined towards the “inactive” libido, since while Mars is in detriment he is also cadent and so very weak. So the native’s sex life with the wives has some sort of dysfunction and irregularity – it is not consistent or highly pleasant.

Prediction is difficult, since I lack important information about when he met or got seriously involved with his future wives (which in my experience is often shown by profection instead of the actual date of the marriage). If Presley was just a business arrangement, then there is another wife out there, the relationship perhaps taking place during the firdar period of Jul 1985 – Mar 1987 (Ages 27-28), which is also supported by profections? His 1988 biography might say something about that.

Note: with the current scandal, there might be interest in knowing about any sex with boys. The ancient/medieval authors did give rules for this, but some are unclear and in any event none of them apply to this nativity. (The main concern for them seemed to be whether the husband would shirk his marital and reproductive duties in favor of fun with young men – I’m not sure how that would apply today. An interesting book on this topic in Renaissance Florence is by Michael Rocke). So, that seems to be an open question as far as I can tell.

最后是对Michael Jackson婚姻分析的小结,是基于前面几个小节分析后的综合论述。之后第六部分是对Michael Jackson的子女分析。


最后这部分是分析Michael Jackson的子女情况。这部分的内容可以说与通常我们分析子女宫的情况大相径庭,其背后蕴藏的深层次的知识根源需要细细品味。

< Michael Jackson Children Delineation >

This is also an interesting technique, because it treats the 5th house last, favoring the 1st, 10th, 11th and 7th. The fact that the other houses are looked to first, suggests that children in general add to the strength and lastingness of the native’s life, and hold hopes that his/her name will continue – hence those houses are looked to first. It gives me an idea why children are associated with the 5th. My hypothesis is that they are in the 5th by derived houses: by being 2nd from the 4th, they are the helpers/allies/assets of the household. Deb, what do you think of this?




Part of Children (by night, distance from Sat to Jup, project from ASC): 23 Aries 39


The Significator of Children (an almuten of certain house cusps and planets) is Jupiter.




Houses, Signs, Planets
1st house: Gemini, barren.
11th house: Pisces, very fruitful.
10th house: Aquarius, rather fruitful. Moon in 10th in Pisces, afflicted by Saturn. Grants children.
7th house: Sagittarius, rather fruitful. Saturn in 7th – denies children.
5th house: Virgo, barren. But Jupiter is in Libra (rather fruitful), intercepted. Grants children.


Most of the signs are very or rather fruitful, and two givers of children are present (albeit one afflicted). The native will have at least one child, probably more because of Jupiter.


But the majority of planets are on masculine signs, with two barren – an argument that at least one child will shrink from social contacts or perhaps die young.


依据关联宫(宫首)落入的星座,判断该星座是属于贫瘠星座还是富产星座,然后综合得出子女的多寡。对于星座的贫富 判断有标准的定义,对于行星,木金是多产的,而土星则无疑是贫瘠的代表。Jackson的多数星座是多产型的,所以做出了他至少会有一个子女(理应多个) 的论断。


Part of Children is in the 11th, conjunct Cauda (not sure if this is an affliction in a children delineation), trine Saturn and opposition Jupiter – in the 11th, the native has a few children, and with goodness and joy.




Jupiter generally testifies that there are many children (culturally speaking).


Jupiter’s triplicity Lords: Mercury (angular), Saturn (angular), himself (succeedent): many children.




Lord of the 5th applying to the Lord of the 6th: the children are the native’s servants.


Ruler of the ASC sextile the Almuten of Children, and the Ruler of the ASC trine the Part of Children, the native and the children have a good relationship.




So the native has several children, a middling to high amount for his culture, and they serve him. He and they have a good relationship, they bring goodness and joy. There is an argument that at least one will shrink from social contacts or be sickly (but signs of serious affliction aren’t present).


When native has children:

Triplicity lords of Jupiter: all occidental, he has children after his youth is over.

Profection of ASC to 5th: 28, 40, 52.
Profection of ASC to house with Lord of 5th: 27, 39, 51. By whole sign: 26, 38, 50





So the native has several children, a middling to high amount for his culture, after his youth is over (38-40, 50-52), and they serve him. He and they have a good relationship, they bring goodness and joy. There is an argument that at least one will shrink from social contacts or be sickly (but signs of serious affliction aren’t present).

Note: He had children at age 38, 39 (not sure when his 3rd child was born).










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