5宫、6宫、11宫、12宫和阿拉伯点/希腊点原始含义和演变 Zohar_705 The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology 关于理解这篇文章有几个要点 1.daimon=原等于守护神,但如今对于神这个概念有专门的定义,因此在一些文化中,它被理解为守护天使或守护灵。我很想全部...
今天的内容来自亚历山大的保罗(Paul of Alexandria),他所著的《占星介绍》为希腊占星的著名代表之一。这本书有两个版本,一个是施密特(Robert Schmidt)的《Introductory Matters》,另一个是霍登(James Holden)的《Introduction to Astrology》。本篇...
11.Rumours spread when the Moon is in the first face of Scorpio are false, and knavishly forged. 月亮落在天蝎座的第一个面区间/十分度时,散布的传言是假的,是恶意编造的。 12.The judgments of astrologers are not many times true, by reason of...
赫尔墨斯《占星百言》The Centiloquium [attributed to] Hermes Trismegistus 1.The Sun and Moon next unto God, are the life of all things living: Yet many nativities have no hyleg; yet because the Sun and Moon friendly behold their ascendant,...