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另外界主在本文有term ruler,bound lord,confine,limits等不同英文说法,请阅读英文原文时注意。
英文标注的terms下面就是界主(term ruler)
因此,金星落土星作为宫主的摩羯座、水瓶座,不是指喜欢“摩羯式的”、”水瓶式的“人物,而是指Intercourse with"土星征象的人物“,即与年长的人、老人、大叔、大妈、地位低下的人、年长的权威、长官、上司之类的人交往、结婚、性交等等。
3、而金星落土星界(即term ruler,essential dignity中的界主,是我友邻却不知道界主的,拖出去揍屁股!),则是另外一种解释。即土星作为形容词,限制作为名词的金星的特质。
一、Origins of the Egyptian Bounds
I will give two examples. These are somewhat simplified translations, but the order of the delineations is preserved.
Aphroditē in the domiciles or confines of Kronos makes the natives sterile or childless; those who have intercourse with their stepmothers or the wives of their older brothers.
Arēs in the domiciles or confines of Aphroditē makes adulterers; those who ruin the wives of siblings, and many destroy their own wives; and always the native sees the death of women.
In the first example, we see that the signification of Aphroditē for children here conforms to the nature of Kronos, rendering the native childless. In the second example, we see that the lawless nature of Arēs conforms to the general signification of Aphroditē for intercourse, resulting in adulterers. I maintain that these are the delineations of the planet in the confines of the other planet.
The second group of delineations in each case concerns the planet in the domicile of the other planet. In the first example, Kronos provides stepmothers (step-parents generally being a signification of Kronos) or the wives of older brothers (again a signification of Kronos) for Aphroditē to have intercourse with. In the second case, Aphroditē provides one of its significations (wives or women) for Arēs to ruin or destroy.
1、这个帖子是卓越的希腊占星师Robert Schmidt在Actastrology论坛回答别人问题时给出的,整个帖子是关于埃及界(Egyptian Terms)讨论的,引用的这段文字他用金星在土星宫和土星界,以及火星在金星宫和火星界两个例子描述埃及界的运用。
2、Aphroditē in the domiciles or confines of Kronos makes the natives sterile or childless; those who have intercourse with their stepmothers or the wives of their older brothers.
3、In the first example, we see that the signification of Aphroditē for children here conforms to the nature of Kronos, rendering the native childless.
In the first example, Kronos provides stepmothers (step-parents generally being a signification of Kronos) or the wives of older brothers (again a signification of Kronos) for Aphroditē to have intercourse with.
4、Aphroditē 指的是金星
domiciles 指星体的庙宫
5、Arēs in the domiciles or confines of Aphroditē makes adulterers; those who ruin the wives of siblings, and many destroy their own wives; and always the native sees the death of women.
6、In the second example, we see that the lawless nature of Arēs conforms to the general signification of Aphroditē for intercourse, resulting in adulterers. I maintain that these are the delineations of the planet in the confines of the other planet.
In the second case, Aphroditē provides one of its significations (wives or women) for Arēs to ruin or destroy.
这点指出,当火星落金星界的时候,金星讲作为火星的形容词,即产生奸夫淫妇、通奸者(火星的不道德属性将 conforms to the general signification of Aphroditē)
五、Origins of the Egyptian Bounds
And in this discussion above all, we must also carefully consider the notion of rulership from a Hellenistic perspective. As I said under the topic of Mitigated Aversions, it is not correct Hellenistic language to say that a planet “rules” a planet residing in its domicile. It is certainly the master of the domicile the other planet is in, but Hellenistic language suggests that the relationship between these two planets is one of guest and host. The master of the domicile is the host and the planet in the domicile is the guest. Now, do we want to say that a host “rules” a guest? We would normally say that the host has certain responsibilities of hospitality toward the guest.
点评:这个帖子里,卓越希腊占星学者Robert Schmidt提到,宫内星与宫主星的关系类似主宾关系,主人与宾客的互动。
Conversely, a guest has the responsibility of behaving in an appropriate manner when making a visit. I do not think it would be far off the mark to say that the guest must conform to, and be ruled by, certain canons or rules of behavior. I am suggesting that while it is inaccurate to say that a planet rules a planet in its domicile, it may very well be appropriate to say that a planet rules a planet present in its confines.
The interesting thing in the interpretation I am offering is that in the reciprocal responsibilities that belong to the guest/host relations, it is the domicile master (as host) that has responsibilities toward the guest, but the responsibilities of the guest are discharged by conforming to the rules of the lord of the confines, so the relationship is only indirectly reciprocal. But let me recall Mr. Kirkland’s remark about looking at the configuration between the master of the domicile and the lord of the confines. What might that be telling us?
If my interpretation of planets in the domiciles of other planets is correct--namely, that the domicile lord acts as a host in providing for the needs of its guest--that principle alone still does not tell us anything about how such a planet receives or accepts such hospitality, how it behaves in response. This information cannot be gotten from the domicile lord itself; it must be gleaned from some further zodiacal determination of the guest, and that is where I am trying to bring in the confines. Lacking such a principle, the delineation of planets in their zodiacal position would be incomplete.
But since the obligation of the guest is to the host and not the lord of the confines per se, we need to relate the restrictive priniciple represented by the lofd of the confines back to the host. That is why I am emphasizing the configuration between the two. The lord of the confines may or may not be able to provide its testimony about the behavior of the guest to the host, and if it can, that testimony will depend both on the nature of the lord of the confines and the nature of the configuration.
There is an implication in the texts that the resources (significations) of the domicile lord are there present in the domicile and “at the disposal” of the guest. This follows from the fact that it is not necessary for the domicile lord to be in a position to actually see its domicile in order for the guest to make use of those resources, although the delineation is more prominent if it does. (This is unlike the case of a the planet allotted responsibility for the affairs of a topical place, where several texts indicate that this planet must see that place.)
It is because of considerations such as these that I have trouble with using the term dispositor for the domicile lord, which (to me at least) suggests that the domicile lord is arranging or executing the affairs of the guest. It would be more accurate, I believe, to understand the guest to be the dispositor of the resources of the domicile lord set “at its disposal”, not in the sense that it effects the significations of the domicile lord vicariously in the manner in which the domicile lord could do if it were in its own domicile, but simply in the sense that it acts with or upon the resources of the domicile lord and in that sense “disposes” them. (Ms. Metsovuori has been bringing this out very nicely.)
Sun-120, Moon-108, Mercury-76, Venus-82, Mars-66, Jupiter-79, and Saturn-57.
360=12X土星成熟时间30年, 30X12年木星, 24X15年火星, 45X8年金星, 18X20年水星.
robert hand是另外一个卓越的占星学者。
备注:文中的Bound指界主term ruler,界主在国外有term ruler,bound lord,confine,limits的说法
so then bounds are pretty much planetary domiciles within a Zoidion ... kinda like apartments in a building or a quadruplex - a single house divided in 4 .
" i manage this place and rent it out " not sure if this is close to correct what im depicting here but it sure sounds cool .
and im assuming it works the same as like being in a full house ... that when a planet is in its own bounds its in its own " apartment " and if that zoidion happens to also be its own domicile then its like an apartment building landlord or manager living in the apartment building too ...providing for his renting tenants if there happens to be planetary conjunction in that particular Zoidion;
although if its not the domicile zoidion of the actual bound lord he can provide for the apartment but is not the landlord or administrator of the building complex . and if the landlord is away( another zoidion ) but still recieves any planet in the buidling then it can provide any maintenance or service to that tenant . If its in aversion and you have plumbing problems with your toilet then your screwed ? lol . so if any planet is renting in a bound point and is recieved by both the bound lord and the administrator or landlord of the building ( domicile lord of the whole house ) then your a happy tenant being attended.
if that particular building ( zoidion ) has an exaltation lord then that planet probably bought off the buiding ( like a Donald Trump ) and depends on the domicile lord ( the manager ) to provide anything needed to renting tenants or even the apartment owners ( bound lords ) renting them out ...if the Zoidion happens to have Trigon lords recieving it ...they are the ones most likely to fix your plumbing since Trigons happen to have an actively demonstrative nature - making things happen for good or bad .. I guess it depends on how the orders are being carried out by the conditional placements of the lords of a particular place.
八、Hellenistic Astrology 2: Primary Chart Rulers
卓越希腊占星学者Robert Schmidt的弟子在skyscript中回复别人的话
Now the control factor he says is through the terms (Schmidt calls them bounds, confines, limits) of the sign, because he says that the resources of the sign belong to the domicile, but how they are used have to do with the terms/bounds under which planet it is in. So optimally, a planet should be in its own domicile or exaltation, but be in the terms of a planet friendly to its cause so that it is controlled in a favorable way.