Predictive Methods
Translator's Note: This lesson introduces information on use of the Complementary Arc and the Distances and Half-distances for prognosis. While the initial calculation of the CA and the Half/Distance tables is somewhat complex manually, it is done for us quickly and automatically on the Aureas Special Uranian computer program, and summarized a large amount of information and calculations in one simple table. It can be used to quickly determine which planets and points are in 22.5° angular relationship by direction at any given point during an individual's lifetime. This lesson also presents how to use midpoint tables for prognosis, using standard Solar Arc. The lesson starts out with some of the more basic principles and techniques.
N ow that we have learned how to assess a person's talents and disposition, we might want to take a look at his or her future. For this, we will use the solar arc as the foundation, which can be applied to any point in the chart that we choose.
According to the ground rule of 1 day = 1 year, where the Sun proceeds at approximately 1° per year, this equals an average advancement of 60' per year. And to know how far a planet advances in an average one-month period, we divide 60 by 12. As we took note of in Lesson 2, 60 ÷ 12 = 5.
A midpoint printout in 22.5° mode (available in the Special Uranian program) serves as the foundation for our prognosis. Any planet or midpoint can be directed (advanced) for any given age or time period, and thus we find the criteria for assessing the tendencies for that time-frame. It should also be pointed out that there can be a leeway or orb of up to 3 to 4 months in some cases, both earlier and later, for the solar arc directions, and that transiting planets trigger the directions into manifestation.
On 1 September 2001, the solar arc value for Bill Gates is 46°16'. Thus we start with the Sun's directed value and advance any given factor we wish to investigate by that same amount. In this case, working with the 22.5° mode, we are actually advancing the dial by only slightly more than a degree, since 46°16 - 45 = 01°16'. We can then also look at midpoints falling in the proximity of 01°16' on the 22.5° printed listing to see what is indicated for September, 2001; and if we are familiar with the symbols, can intuitively determine what the influences are and read them spontaneously.
If we however have an order for a prognosis for someone who is not physically present, we proceed by other means, and may need access to a tape recorder for a spoken reading, or a word processor for a written interpretation.
In such cases it is essential to investigate the tendencies indicated from this point in time forward, according to the factors shown on the printout, in numerical order, one by one, thus delineating the course of developments over time.
We look again at the Sun position for Bill Gates, at 05°02' Scorpio. On the 90° dial, the Sun is at 35:02 + 46:16 (Arc) = 81:18 - 67:30 = 13:48, reduced according to the method presented in Lesson 2.
There is, however, an even simpler way which facilitates this process substantially. On a 22.5° printout we see the Sun at 12:32. We then also reduce the solar arc value of 46:16 into 22.5° notation by subtracting 45°, and this yields:
12:32 + 01:16 (Arc) = 13:48, involving only two calculation steps for the same result. With this resulting value, we survey all midpoints in numeric order until we reach 14:47. Thus we have included all major tendencies for the year which can be found by this particular method.
(Note again that the Aureas Special Uranian computer program will do all the calculations for us, more quickly, avoiding possible errors in manual calculation.)
Since the directed Sun ranges from 13:48 to 14:47 during the year, and HA/AP, lying slightly before 13:48 and thus indicating influence starting around the month of September, we begin the interpretation with this midpoint, as follows:
Many serious concerns (HA.AP), or even spreading of an illness (HA.AP) due to an increase of obscure factors (HA.AP), lie directly behind him. Should he however be working with metaphysical or non-physical phenomena, he may find success (JU.ZE, SU.AP) in dealing with abstractions (HA.AP, AR.NE) -- like those employed in computer science and technology. He successfully sets to work (JU.ZE) in unexplored areas (AR.NE, HA.AP) and uses his intellectual abilities (ZE.PO, ME.KR, ME.JU) to further develop new ideas (PL.ZE, ZE.PO). His goals are bound up with implementing changes (PL.ZE) affecting the future of the world (AR.NE). As a successful man (SU.AP), inwardly steadfast (MC.AD), he enters into important discussions (ME.KR). Constraints are placed on him by close associates (VE.AD), and he can become depressed (VE.AD) unless he learns to work persistently (AD) within these limits (AD). He is occupied with thoughts about the government or superiors (ME.KR), particularly when their sympathy is limited (VE.AD). Dialogues involving officials (ME.KR) may not always be congenial or gratifying (VE.AD). Technical work (UR.VU) requires (VU) undergoing reforms (UR). Thus his mind is directed toward financial matters (ME.JU) in order to prove (ME.PO) his commercial skills (ME.JU) and clarify (ME.PO) business matters (ME.JU).
Now, just as the Sun can be directed by solar arc, so can any other planet, point, or midpoint be directed. This includes the Earth Axis (i.e. Aries Point or 0° Aries), which symbolizes relationship to general worldly conditions out among the public. In this case, we simply add the 01:16 solar arc to 0 and take note of which midpoints on the 22.5° listing are triggered.
The overall confining nature of world social conditions (AR.CU.AD) affecting all people in his age group (dAR) are probably unproblematic for him personally (SU.JU). As a wealthy (SU.JU) and knowledgeable man (SU.PO) with insight (SU.PO) into research procedures (NE.ZE), he continues on a path toward further personal development (SU.PL). He must make intensive efforts (SU.VU) in order to find immediate success in his activities (MA.AP). His work involving obscure matters (HA.ZE) leads him through unfamiliar situations (HA.ZE) as he thinks about implementing reforms and new ideas (ME.UR).
Up to this point we have directed the Sun and the Earth Axis. Any of the other factors can also be directed by solar arc. Here, were might also find that the directed MC/AS axis, standing for "profession", or "the native in his or her environment".
In the first step, we look at the rotating dial. The pointer should then be set to the midpoint of the two factors, and as we note the approximate degree and minute triggered, we look to the 22:30 midpoint listing and find Mercury in that area, at 16:36. MC/AS should also be found nearby, and we find it at 15:55. To this, we add the simplified arc amount of 1:16, yielding 15:55 + 1:16 = 17:11.
We then look for midpoints on the listing near 17:11 to determine what is triggered by his d(MC/AS).
Whoever wants to know more about this will look at the listed midpoints ranging from 17:11 to 18:11 and then investigate and develop their own interpretation.
By these methods, one can ask a question of the chart and find an answer through the symbols triggered. For example, if we want to know what thoughts occupy the mind of an individual at a given time, we direct the MC/ME midpoint according to the given age and time period. Should we want to know when a trip begins, then d(ME/SA) will give us a hint. How long will an educational pursuit last? We look to midpoint combinations of Saturn with Apollon or Poseidon, or Admetos with Apollon or Poseidon. How successful will we be on an examination? d(JU/PL) will give us a hint, and so on.
Predictive research is not however limited to the aforementioned method. One can find further information by working with distances and half-distances. Distance and half-distance listings will facilitate this process.
Mainstream traditional astrology already recognized the basic principle that when any given planet is directed or progressed to the natal position of another, some sort of special event takes place in the life of the native (*1). It is this same principle that explains the application of the distances between any two given factors on the 22.5° listing: the distance in degrees between any two factors, be they planet, point, or midpoint, is approximately equal to the age at which the individual will experience an event described by the combination of symbols involved, according to the principle of solar arc direction.
For example, if we notice, by referring to the dial, that the distance from Moon to Mercury is approximately 8.5°, then we realize that the Moon will reach Mercury at about age 8 ? .
By starting instead w ith Mercury, we proceed in exactly the same way. We set the pointer on ME, and then move the dial until it first points directly or indirectly (via either right angle or opposition) to the Moon axis. We then look back at Mercury and find it at about 14. This indicates that Bill will experience the combined effect of these planets over and over at cycles based on the original 8 ? (when Moon reaches Mercury) and 14 year (when Mercury reaches Moon) intervals.
(Translator's note: Here we begin to study the use of the Complementary Arc. While Complementary Arc moves at the same rate as, and is based on Solar Arc, it is not always interchangeable with it. This is for two reasons: 1) While the longitude indicated in midpoint tables is measured from 0° Aries, the longitude indicated in the Distance Tables is not. For example, 1°47 on the Midpoint table indicates 1°47 of zodiacal longitude (measured from 0° Aries), while 1°47 on the Distance table indicates the distance between the two planets indicate alongside. 2) Complementary Arc is measured differently, symmetrically, from 0 to 11.15 increasing and then from the midpoint at 11.15 to 0, decreasing. Each pair of planets is included in the Distance table twice, to indicate both the direction of planet A to planet B, and the direction of planet B to planet A. 1°47'< indicates an increasing Complementary Arc value, where "1°47' is less than what follows". 1°47'> indicates a decreasing Complementary Arc value, where "1°47' is greater than what follows". This should make it clear that SA and CA, while both based on the same movement in arc, measure two different phenomena, and should be notated and used only with tables designed specifically for their use. Note that Complementary Arc, more complex to calculate than Solar Arc, is done automatically in the Special Uranian astrology computer program.)
To verify the accuracy of the figures, note that 8:30 and 14 add up to 22:30, or in reverse, 22:30 - 14 = 8:30. In essence, we have subtracted the solar arc value from the closest following 16th-harmonic value of 0°Aries (which equates with all multiples of 22.5°). The resulting number, if from 0 to 11:15, is notated as a Complementary Arc of, for example, 8:30<. However, if the value is from 11:16 to 22:30, it is subtracted from 22:30, and this is the Complementary Arc. Complementary Arc as we use it is always between 0 and 11:15, and its value should be notated as either < increasing or > decreasing so that we know in which direction to read the tables.
Where we have a solar arc of 55:00, the complementary arc or CA is 10, since 55-45=10. After a year lapses, the solar arc increases by about 1°. Thus we write CA 10< to indicate that the CA is increasing.
With a solar arc of 56:45 - 45 = 11:45, our result is greater than half of 22.5°. Yet the CA must be between 0 and 11:15, so we subtract: 67:30 - 56:45 = 10:45. Since this value is decreasing, rather than increasing, as it moves toward the next 16th harmonic of the Aries axis, we use the notation of 10:45>.
Such is the calculation schema for Complementary Arc. Now, if we return to our example chart, we have a distance of 8:30 between the Moon and Mercury. How do with interpret this for clients? Working with the symbols intuitively, we might combine these two planetary energies and read them as emotionally-tinged thinking, youthful women, thoughts of a woman, conversation, speech among the public, or still other pertinent concepts synthesized from the meaning of Moon and Mercury.
The distances listing gives us the exact CA between Moon and Mercury. 8:22 is now both added and subtracted from the axes to demonstrate how the solar arc and complementary arc work by comparison:
dMO = 08:22 = ME
dMO = 22:30 + 08:22 = 30:52 = ME
dMO = 45 + 08:22 = 53:22 = ME
dMO = 67:30 + 08:22 = 75:52 = ME |
dME = 22:30 - 08:22 = 14:08 = MO
dME = 45 - 08:22 = 36:38 = MO
dME = 67:30 -08:22 = 59:08 = MO
dME = 90 - 08:22 = 81:38 = MO |
By looking at this arrangement, we see that for each axis derived, by either adding, or by subtracting the Complementary Arc value, the combined energy of these 2 planets is triggered in some way by directed contact. And if we compare the results of each equation, we see that a 22°30' interval separates each one of them. This means, in summary, that in approximate 22.5 year cycles, the MO.ME combination affects the native in a similar way, and this could be used to fill out our prognosis with additional pertinent time-cycle information.
Remember that the foundation for all these calculations is the solar arc value. From 46:16 we subtract 45 and get 1:16. As the solar arc value increases after 1 year to 47:16, the complementary arc value decreases (since it is equal to the remaining arc distance to the next point being considered).
Now we look at the 22.5° distance listing:
AR=AD 01:17
AS=NE 01:17
MA=HA 01:18
CU=AD 01:20
VE=SA 01:22
JU=HA 01:22
HA=PO 01:23 |
PL=ZE 01:31
MO=UR 01:33
UR=HA 01:38
MO=SA 01:39
MC=SA 01:44
NO=KR 01:45
ME=ZE 01:45 |
AS=CU 01:50
MO=MA 01:53
SU=NO 01:55
PL=HA 01:55 |
ZE=PO 02:03
JU=ZE 02:04
AS=SA 02:08
NO=JU 02:10
NO=PO 02:11
MC=CU 02:14
MA=KR 02:15 |
Each of these four columns, divided according to 15 minute intervals, indicates tendencies for a 3-month period. Next, we will further supplement this table with the half-distances.
In his lectures, Ludwig Rudolph pointed out repeatedly to us that the triggering of each axis in fact indicates a double effect. You may ask "why not just a single effect?" All midpoints are derived from various factors in the chart, and accordingly release their energies in the manners described here, originally formulated into a system by Mr Rudolph.
Computers first made investigation of these phenomena possible thanks to the Hamburg School astrological program written by programmer Bernd Westphal, and now in the Special Uranian astrology program by Aureas Software. Let us again refer to the combination of Bill's Moon and Mercury. The distance between them is 8:22. And half of this is 4:11.
Now we once again take up the rotating dial, set the pointer to the MO/ME midpoint, and then "direct" it, or move it forward in longitude (counterclockwise), by 4°11'. We see that it reaches Mercury. Next we similarly advance the Moon by 4°11', and we find that it reaches the natal MO/ME midpoint. This illustrates the double effect that Ludwig Rudolph spoke of.
The first process just mentioned is the direction of the midpoint to Mercury, and the second process is the direction of the midpoint's second single factor (MO) to the midpoint itself. The Complementary Arc is applied to the half-distances in the same way it was to the distances... it is both added to and subtracted from the natal midpoint axis to indicate movement in both directions. The following table illustrates this:
d(MO/ME) 04:11 = ME
d(MO/ME) 22:30 - 04:11 = 18:19 = ME
d(MO/ME) 22:30 + 04:11 = 26:41 = ME
d(MO/ME) 45:00 - 04:11 = 40:49 = ME
d(MO/ME) 45 + 04:11= 63:19 = ME
d(MO/ME) 67:30 - 04:11 = 63:19 = ME
d(MO/ME) 67:30 + 04:11 = 71:41 = ME
d(MO/ME) 90:00 - 04:11 = 85:49 = ME |
dMO 04:11= MO/ME
dMO 18:19 = MO/ME
dMO 26:41 = MO/ME
dMO 40:49 = MO/ME
dMO 49:11 = MO/ME
dMO 63:19 = MO/ME
dMO 71:41 = MO/ME
dMO 85:49 = MO/ME |
We return to Bill Gates' Complementary Arc of 01:16< and find the following half-distances:
VE/CU 01:18
AR/CU 01:19
MA/JU 01:20
MA/PO 01:21
SU/UR 01:23
MO/VE 01:30 |
AR/VU 01:34
AS/AD 01:35
MA/PL 01:36
ME/PL 01:38
MC/MO 01:41
AP/VU 01:42
SU/AP 01:43 |
MA/SA 01:46
ME/PO 01:54
ME/JU 01:54
SA/CU 01:59 |
UR/NE 02:01
MO/KR 02:04
ME/KR 02:07
NE/AD 02:14 |
By combining the results of calculated directed midpoints with those of distances and half-distances, we have additional data for prognosis. If we start with the first position, we need to be careful to note where it is derived from, so that we mark it with the correct symbol. For distances, we use " = " to indicate direct or indirect conjunctions (i.e. 16th harmonic clusters), while we use " / " (the same symbol as is used for midpoints) to indicate half-distances (i.e. direction to the midpoint of the two planets indicated). For September 2001 we find:
AR=AD 1:17 Restrictions, obstacles, limitations in connection with general public conditions.
AS=NE 1:17 The environs are unstable. There are secrets. A future partnership might be built on shifting grounds.
MA=HA 1:18 There are unfamiliar work assignments which might involve work with intangible phenomena. Activities involving unpleasant matters or metaphysics are possible.
AR/CU 1:19 Cooperative undertakings, or family or social affairs take place out among the general public.
MA/JU 1:19 Work is accompanied by success. He deals with legal issues and finance in his undertakings.
CU=AD 1:20 This may stablize his associations. In private matters he may feel cramped, as he deals with limitations.
MA/PO 1:21 He implements clarity and champions candor and sincerity, and thereby he gains knowledge.
VE=SA 1:22 This indicates loyalty and attachment, yet also sometimes emotional coolness. He might become more interested in historical phenomena, and deepen his knowledge in that area.
JU=HA 1:22 Metaphysics could contribute to unseen benefits if he pursues ideals. If he focuses only on the material, however, he may encounter increasing worries.
HA=PO 1:23 He seeks to understand mysteries. Otherwise, lack of clarity or pessimism lead him to make mistakes.
SU/UR 1:23 Adventure and excitement surround him. Whenever he experiences stress or tension, he might busy himself with technical matters, which will be full of surprises.
MO/VE 1:30 With inner equilibrium he finds pleasure in public dealings and the love of a woman. |
Then, for December 2001 we find:
PL=ZE 1:31 Along with increasing creative productivity, he pursues goals which lead to further development.
MO=UR 1:33 The public is astonished at his reforms. His wife might also be excited.
AR/VU 1:34 His worldly influence reflects his strength and intensity of purpose.
AS/AD 1:35 At the same time, he feels in some way restricted by others. However, where he finds common interests, he consolidates partnerships.
MA/PL 1:36 His ability to organize is called upon. He is able to further develop his work or make significant changes.
ME/PL 1:38 By means of exchanging ideas, he is able to develop a plan.
UR=HA 1:38 Excitement is somehow neutralized. He goes his own way in dealing with obscure technology.
MO=SA 1:39 This entails or public problems or possible separations from his wife.
MC/MO 1:41 He is closely involved with a woman who is noticeably involved in public issues.
AP/VU 1:42 He applies his experience fully and successfully in each new enterprise. Work activities increase as production expands.
SO/AP 1:43 He finds satisfaction as a successful man.
MC=SA 1.44 He overcomes any tendencies to depression by inner consolidation and stabilization.
KN=KR 1.45 His contacts with independent professionals and authorities can be of great significance for him.
ME/ZE 1.45 Discussions focus on implementing goals and plans.
AS/CU 1.50 His family and his company are particularly significant for him at this time. |
Now we have approached the month of February 2002 and can continue expanding with this schema. It is up to you to do so, if you are interested.
At this point, these elementary lessons in Uranian Astrology come to an end. There are however a number of further techniques to be explored for analysis of partnerships, investigation of Local Angles (MC & AS), work with the Annual Chart and New Moon Charts, and still more. These techniques are presented in the Special Uranian astrology program.
I congratulate you wholeheartedly for having accomplished what you have up to this point, and hope that I have succeeded, by means of these lessons, to trigger in your interest in further study and research of the methods of Uranian Astrology
-- Hamburg, 27.August.2001
(*1) For those familiar with traditional astrology but unfamiliar with the concept of "distances": Distance is in effect the distance a planet moves via solar arc in order to reach another planet on the 90° dial. In essence, work with distances yields the same information, in a simplified format, as when one notes directed conjunctions, oppositions, and squares -- in addition to directed 135° and 45° when one notes 90° dial "oppositions" -- as well as 22.5° angle multiples when one notes right angles on the 90° dial. Conversion of distances to 16th harmonic (0°>11°15'>0°) notation, yields all directed 22.5°-multiple angles/aspects. Use of the Uranian Distance and Half-distance table vastly simplifies the process of finding directed 16th harmonic angles or "aspects". |