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61. In men's nativities, if the part of marriage shall fall in signs obedient; and in women's in signs imperant, the woman shall rule the man, and the man shall obey; sin autem contra, dic contra.[11]
62. If the lords of the triplicity of the conjunction of the lights shall friendly respect each other, the first to the second, the second to the third, it shows eminent prosperity, and a freedom from sorrows.[12]
63. Mercury in Pisces, in deep or pitted degrees, [13] makes the native foolish and slow of speech; and if Jupiter shall be in the houses of Mars, in pitted degrees, he will be sordid and needy, and receive hurt from soldiers; but if in the houses of Saturn, chiefly Capricorn, and in such degrees, he will be morose, rigid, and odious to all men.
64. Mercury in reception of Mars by houses, or if he shall be in aspect of him falling from an angle, the native will be a lover of hunting, and to play at dice and tables: but if they shall not be cadent, he shall prove an excellent soldier.
65. Planets under the Sun's beams, or within twelve degrees thereof, are unfortunate, unless in the same degree with him, but when passed 12 degrees from him (existents orientales)[14] they are fortunate.
66. The North Node with the infortunes denotes terrible mischiefs, for he increases their malice; but with the fortunes he works good, and augments their benignity. But the significations of the Dragon's tail are to be noted the contrary way.
67. Mercury in the sixth house of a nativity, the native shall change from one religion to another, & will have his felicity in part impedited by reason of his inconstancy.
68. The first sign hath pre-eminence in signification, when there be two signs have to do with the thing.[15]
69. Accept the beginning of every thing from the Moon, but the end from her dispositor.
70. If Jupiter in the revolution of the world shall be in his house, exaltation, or oriental in an angle, and otherwise freed from evil, he signifies plenty, [my author says penury, if time and ill handling have not abused him] of all things.
71. When the Moon and lord of the ascendant shall be impedited by the lord of the 8th, the sick person hath cause to fear.
72. 'Tis ill to begin any lawsuits or other controversies when the Moon is ill dignified: the plaintiff without doubt will be overcome.
73. All rebellions breaking out at the beginning of the year are not easily suppressed.
74. The Moon in ruminating signs joined to retrograde planets, it is not then good to purge; the potion will work upward to the patients injury.
75. Oriental planets signifying either good or evil, perform their work speedily; occidental, more slowly.
76. The middle stay of a solar eclipse is by the degree of the conjunction of the lights.
77. There will many wars and difficulties happen, when in a revolutional figure of the world, Saturn and Jupiter shall be in their exaltations.
78. Be wary and circumspect in your judgment, when a fortune is with a malevolent; nor be you overconfident that the malice of the infortune shall be averted.
79. There are twelve signs, one of which is constantly ascending: the ascendant signifies the body, and the lord thereof the mind. Let not that sign ascend for your purpose, whose lord is impedited.
80. Planets in fixed signs show the matter durable; in bicorporeal signs, doubtful; in movable, convertible to good or evil.