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但在最基本的层面上,我们是自然的。我们人类是这个行星上生命的一部分。生态心理学家假定与大自然的接触不仅对我们的健康和福祉有益,而且是必要的。许多研究表明,与自然接触所产生的意识对人类非常有益,因为它增强了积极的态度,和平感,整体感,快乐感和应对我们在生活中遇到的挑战的能力。Biophilia是一个概念,指的是人类与其他生命形式(如植物和动物)联系的天生需要,这意味着人类本能地渴望接近自然。事实上,我们虽然不那么想承认,但我们与它的联系更紧密。有一个有趣的神话与地球母亲可以提供的力量有关。Antaeus是Poseidon和Gaia的儿子。只要他与他的母亲盖亚 - 地球母亲保持联系,他就是一个巨大而无与伦比的巨人。赫拉克勒斯发现了他的秘密,使他脱离了自然的力量源头,并且在前在空中举起他击败了他。
这与占星术有什么关系?您可能知道,占星星盘是使用一个特定的坐标系统投射的,并且有三种不同的系统。我们用于出生,预测,卜卦,世俗或择日占星术的星盘都是基于黄道坐标系统。我们使用该系统是因为它描绘了黄道内的行星 - 即黄道带 - 它对我们的占星家具有象征意义,因为它代表了英雄对获得神圣条件的神话之旅。当我们从地球上的特定地点和时间看到它们时,我们将行星放在它上面。因此,在黄道系统中,我们看到天空中的行星“在那里”,从地球上的特定位置和“此处”。一些行星位于星盘上半部分的上方,有些人可能在下半部分。第二个系统是赤道系统,其基本参数是天体赤道,并且像黄道系统一样,使用天体赤道作为参照系,从地球上的一个时刻和地点看到行星。天体赤道仍然是天体参数。在这两个系统中,与星盘所有者的地理位置直接相关的唯一特征是四角。
地平线但还有第三个系统:Horizon System。与前两个一样,该系统使用地理位置和时刻,但不是使用天体参数来绘制行星,而是使用地平线,这是一个纯粹的陆地系统。地平空间技术包括使用Horizon System绘制星盘。整个星盘在人的视野中,所有行星都在其上,并且它提供的信息用于大地测量目的。由于行星绘制的圆是局部地平线,所以我们脚下没有隐藏的行星。我们周围有所有的行星。
地平线系统是一种风水实践 - Geo ='earth',mancy = 'usage'。因此,风水是一种“利用地球”的学科。地平线系统将行星视为人的地平线和主要方向。这是风水的占星术形式。
为什么要使用地平空间技术?我们所知道的出生图代表了我们人生的旅程,但我们经常忘记我们在这里实现这一旅程。这段旅程意味着在我们居住的地区,使用我们居住的空间或穿越地球旅行。通过地平空间技术,出生图的无形星座变得有形,因为我们将它们转化为水平参数 - 我们将它们带到我们的地平空间。
为了使用地平空间技术,我们只需要一个地平空间星盘,其中行星的方位角为我们的出生地或我们当前的位置计算 - 我们可以使用两者,我鼓励您尝试这两个选项如何为您工作。专业的占星计算机程序可以做这些星盘。它们看起来像一个360度的圆形,并在其上绘制了行星。没有星座,也没有宫位,只有圆形和行星,每个行星都有自己的方向和一条连接中心的线。
janus 5可以实现这个功能
除了地平的空间星盘,计算机程序还会生成地平空间地图,将地球线划分到全球各地。你只需要注意不要将它们与ACG线混合在一起。ACG线显示行星在上升/下降轴(曲线)周围或MC / IC轴(垂直线)周围的位置,而地平空间地图告诉您可以拥有每个行星的实际体验的地理位置。
但是最大的问题是:行星线的位置是让我们有意识地使用它们呢,或者即使我们不知道它们的存在,我们是否可能无意中跟随它们?这两种情况都是可能的。任何研究或使用占星术的人都知道人们会表达他们的出生星盘,无论他们是否了解它或相信它是有效的。因此,我们倾向于无意识地遵循我们的行星路线,但我们也可以利用它们来调整我们的行星并改善它们的表达。我们在做日常生活时,例如去上班,去大学,去健身房,带孩子上学,或者去拜访那些与我们有特殊关系的朋友,我们会在周围环境中移动。世界上也有一些地方让我们着迷,或者我们去过的地方,我们有过一种非常特殊的经历,可以被描述为“火星人”,“海王星人”或“土星人”等。也可能在我们的生活中发生一些重要的事情,机会或人,直接来自世界上某个特定的地方,或者源于那里。最后,我们甚至可以观察我们如何使用我们房子的不同区域以及我们如何体验它们 - 也许我们在特定位置花费了太多时间,在那里感觉特别好,不能保持特定区域的顺序,或者在房子的某个地方安排了一个工作空间,但我觉得我们不能很好的在那里工作。探索行星线可以在我们所处世界环境中,也可以在我们的房子里,可能有惊奇的发现,也可以给我们一个探求事物背后的原因的机会。
我们将在埃内斯托·格瓦拉(Ernesto Guevara)的星盘中看到一个行星线活动的例子,国际上称为切格瓦拉(Che Guevara)。他是古巴革命 的一个重要且有争议的人物, 其风格化的面貌广为人知,并已成为反主流文化的象征 - 马克思主义 ,革命家,医生,作家, 游击队,领袖,外交官和军事理论家。我将向您展示几个例子,说明他在周围环境中的运动以及后来在世界上的运动是如何跟随他的行星线的指引。注意:当我们使用世界上的地平空间地图时,行星线可以被认为有效的范围是每边的距离为200英里(320公里)。
他于1928年6月14日 21:30 在阿根廷罗萨里奥出生 。在他早年,他的家人在布宜诺斯艾利斯度过了一半的时间,有一半的时间在卡拉瓜泰,他父亲在那里有伴侣,种植园。这说明了他太阳在双子座(在两个地方),并且它是下降点的主宰星,表明他可能通过他人而不是他的自我意志来体验这种二元性。此外,太阳与IC的主宰星金星合相,因此与家庭及其财产有关。我们可以在地平的空间地图上看到太阳的线非常靠近卡拉瓜塔。但我们也可以看出,天王星线正好穿过布宜诺斯艾利斯,他在那个城市的经历可能会因不稳定和变化而变得明显。事实确实如此,因为他的家人在布宜诺斯艾利斯的前两年搬家三次。天王星是他的上升共同主宰星,它在第二宫没有相位。
在另一边,天王星线前往科尔多瓦。当埃内斯托开始遭受急性哮喘发作时,这就是他们全家搬家的地方。我们还可以看到有一些重要的线路(火星,木星,月亮和凯龙星)向阿根廷西北方向移动,事实上,该区域对他施加了特别的拉力。他着名的摩托车之旅恰好朝着那个方向前进,他在那段旅程中的笔记“摩托车日记 ”成为畅销书,改编成同名电影。
他的火星和木星线上还有更多有趣的问题。火星线继续向西北方向行进,穿过危地马拉,在那里他遇到了他的第一任妻子。她出生在利马,距离他的火星线(158英里)也很近。火星在第七宫和的下降点和海王星三分相。他们去了恰帕斯度蜜月,他的火星线恰好在那个区域穿过墨西哥。他在墨西哥遇见了菲德尔·卡斯特罗,并在那里生下了他的第一个女儿 - 火星与他第五宫的太阳六合。
他的第二任妻子来自古巴,菲德尔·卡斯特罗也是如此,他因参与古巴革命而享誉国际。他觉得古巴是他的家; 他对卡斯特罗和古巴人民及其事业自然而然的产生了个人认同,他采用了卡斯特罗的社会和政治意识形态来建立自己的哲学。
他是古巴革命的思想家和主要成员,并参与了古巴国家的组织工作,在那里他担任过几个不同的重要职位,主要是在金融领域。他负责外交部门的几项国际任务,并担任国家银行和工业部长。他的木星线穿过古巴; 它在金牛座并共同主宰第二宫。
他还对将古巴革命意识形态出口到其他国家感兴趣,并且在60年代期间,他向刚果冲突提供了他在游击战术得到的知识和经验。这不是一个特别积极的经历 - 充满了问题和误解,导致完全失败。这是他的海王星线,它似乎更适合艺术,灵感或精神活动,而不是作为解决冲突的方式参与游击战争。最有可能的是,这次任务的失败是由于试图将那条线用于与这条线能量不相称的东西。
从更加有自我意识的角度来看,地平空间技术最有趣的是它的祈愿的元素。invoke这个词 来自拉丁语invocare,意思是“呼唤”。每当我们沿着世界各地的行星线行进时,我们都在呼唤着这个行星的能量,我们呼唤这种原型在我们的生活中表现出来。但是,需要考虑的是,我们并没有以其中立的、原型形式呼唤那个行星,而是呼唤它在我们的出生图中的位置(星座,宫位,方面等)具有的特征,这是非常重要的。我们正在呼喊的不是金星,而是我们的金星,我们正在呼喊的不是土星,而是我们的土星,等等。换句话说,除非我们与我们自己的木星建立平衡和建设性的关系,否则沿着我们的木星线迁移可能不会解决我们所有的问题。
找出我们在家或在我们的工作场所的地平的空间线位置非常容易。我们只需绘制一个准确的平面图,用指南针找到正北方并在地图上绘制基点 - 建议在不同区域进行多次测量,以确保没有受到来自我们的家里或者是我们的邻居家里强大的电子设备的影响。然后我们需要通过绘制对角线来找到中心。我们可以用一个小十字标记对角线的交叉点。如果空间不是正多边形,我们需要通过添加缺失的位使其成为常规,并找到通过执行此操作而找到的正多边形的中心。现在我们可以将我们的地平空间地图叠加到它上面,看看我们的线在哪里。关于工作场所,如果你的工作需要你在整个工作场所移动,你可以选择全部的工作场所,但如果你在一个建筑物或一个共享的场所有自己的位置,办公室,业务活动等,那么就选择工作的空间。如果您在透明胶片上打印地平空间星盘,则可以将其放在任何地图或平面图上,如果指南针圆圈的尺寸太小,您可以随时手动放大行星线。
我可以举几个与我一起完成地平空间工作的客户的例子。一位客户将她的电脑放在她的Moon-Venus-Neptune线上,自从她购买后,她一直有问题。它经常在没有明显原因的情况下死机,而且非常慢。显而易见的是,计算机在这些线路上可能并不“特别舒服” - 天王星或水星线看起来更合适。由于这个客户在她的公寓里没有任何其他地方可以放置她的电脑,所以她把一张华丽的山羊的照片放在电脑上方架子上的一座岩石山顶上。其目的是为了让一些土星能够为她的计算机运转起到一些作用。所有问题都在一周内得到解决,现在她的电脑仍然正常运行。
But at the most basic level, we are nature. We, humans, are part of life on this planet. Eco-psychologists postulate that contact with nature is not just beneficial but necessary for our health and well-being. A number of studies demonstrate that the awareness that arises from getting in touch with nature is highly beneficial to humans as it enhances a positive attitude, a sense of peace, wholeness, joy, and the ability to deal with the challenges we encounter in life. Biophilia is a concept that refers to humans' innate need to affiliate with other forms of life such as plants and animals, meaning that humans have an instinctive desire to be near nature. In fact, we are much more closely connected to it than perhaps we would like to admit. There is an interesting myth related to the strength that Mother Earth can confer. Antaeus was the son of Poseidon and Gaia. He was a giant of tremendous and unbeatable strength as long as he remained in contact with his mother Gaia – Mother Earth. Heracles discovered his secret and, having to fight with him on his way to one of his famous twelve labours, defeated him by lifting him in the air, thus disconnecting him from his natural source of power.
How does all that link with astrology? As you probably know, astrological charts are cast using one particular system of coordinates, and there are three different systems. The charts we use for natal work, forecasting, horary, mundane or electional astrology are based on the Ecliptic coordinates system. We use that system because it plots the planets within the ecliptic – i.e. the zodiac – which has symbolical value to us astrologers, as is represents the mythic journey of the hero towards gaining his or her divine condition. We place the planets on it as we see it from a particular place and time on earth. So, in the ecliptic system, we see the planets 'out there' in the sky, from a particular location and moment 'down here' on earth. Some planets are above our heads in the upper half of the chart, and some can be under our feet in the lower half. The second system is the equatorial system, whose basic parameter is the celestial equator, and which, like the ecliptic system, sees the planets from a moment and place here on earth, using the celestial equator as a frame of reference instead. The celestial equator is still a celestial parameter. In these two systems, the only features directly related to the chart owner's geographical location are the angles.
Looking to the horizon
horizonBut there is yet a third system: the Horizon System. Like the first two, this system uses a geographical location and a moment in time, but instead of using a celestial parameter to plot the planets it uses the horizon, a purely terrestrial thing. The local space technique consists of casting astrological charts with the Horizon System. The whole chart is on the person's horizon, all the planets are on it, and the information it provides is used for geodetic purposes. Since the circle where the planets are plotted is the local horizon there are no planets hidden under our feet. We have all the planets around us.
For different reasons, mathematical and cultural, this system has for years been almost totally abandoned by astrologers. The data to calculate these charts were not as easily available as the data for ecliptic charts, and also, as mentioned before, the interest in our connection to Mother Earth gradually decreased as the power of the intellect increased. As a consequence all forms of geodetic knowledge have been abandoned to a certain degree in Western countries, and only in the latest years have these somehow been reborn through the increasing interest in Feng Shui, the Chinese form of geomancy.
The Horizon System is a geomantic practice – Geo = 'earth', mancy = 'usage'. Therefore, geomancy is a discipline that 'uses the earth'. The Horizon System sees the planets on the person's horizon and the cardinal directions. It is the astrological form of geomancy.
The mathematical problem of drawing horizon charts was solved by the Erlewines, founders of Matrix Software, when they included horizontal calculations in their computer programs. Nowadays the professional astrological programs offer this option and can calculate planetary positions in azimuth,1 the measure of the planets' positions on the horizon. The Horizon System gives a flat perspective of our planetary positions, and the horizon chart (the local space chart) can be considered as a magical circle that we have around us all the time and everywhere we go. It is our personal astrological compass. In fact, any azimuth position draws a line that can be plotted on a map across the earth starting from the observer's location and also terminating there. This means that we can draw a map of planetary lines out of the local space chart. These lines are radial and we are placed at the centre of the map, where all the lines converge.
Using the techniques
Why use the local space techniques? The natal chart as we know it represents our journey through life, but we often forget that we do this journey here, on earth. This journey implies moving around the area where we live, using the space we live in, or travelling across the planet. Through the local space technique the intangible symbols of the natal chart become tangible because we translate them into horizontal parameters – we bring them to our local space.
The local space chart effectively tells us where in our surroundings we find our planetary energies. The person is placed in the centre of the chart and both the planets and the individual are directly on the plane of the person's horizon. In order to imagine what a local space chart would look like, you can picture yourself in the middle of a large circle in a field with one line that goes from you to each planet's position on that circle. The circle accompanies you wherever you go or move on the planet. It is your local space, your personal astrological compass.
The local space chart is an amazing tool to attune ourselves to our piece of earth, with our surroundings, and it can be a valuable tool when we want to change location or find a good place to spend our holidays.
In order to work with the local space technique we just need a local space chart with the planets calculated in azimuth for our birthplace or our current location – we can use both and I would encourage you to experiment with how these two options work for you. The professional astrological computer programs can do these charts. They look like a circle with the 360 degrees and the planets plotted on it. There are no signs and no houses, just the circle and the planets and each planet has its own direction and a line that connects it to the centre.
Local space chart
Apart from the local space chart, computer programs also generate local space maps that draw your planetary lines across the globe. You just need to be careful not to mix them up with the ACG lines. The ACG lines show you where in the world the planets would be around the Ascendant/Descendant axis (curved lines) or around the MC/IC axis (vertical lines), whilst the local space map tells you the geographical places where you can have an actual experience of each planet.
But the big question is: are the planetary lines there for us to use them consciously, or can we follow them inadvertently even if we have no idea of their existence? Both things are true. Anyone who studies or works with astrology knows well that people express their natal chart independently of whether they know about it or believe it works. So we tend to follow our planetary lines unconsciously, but we can also use them to attune ourselves to our planets and refine their expression. We move around our surroundings when doing our daily routines such as going to work, to university, to the gym, when we bring our children to school, or visit that friend with whom we have a special relationship. There are also some places in the world that fascinate us, or places we have visited where we have had a very particular kind of experience that could be described as 'Martian', or 'Neptunian', or 'Saturnian', etc. It can also happen that some of the important things, opportunities or people in our life come directly from a particular place in the world or have their origins there. And finally, we can even observe how we use the different areas of our house and how we experience them – perhaps we spend more time in a particular room than in others, feel specially well in there, cannot keep a particular area in order, or have taken the trouble to arrange a working space somewhere in the house but then feel we cannot really work there. An exploration of the planetary lines in our surroundings, in the world, and in our house can be surprisingly revealing and can give us the reason behind these situations.
Case study: Che Guevara
We will see an example of planetary line activity in the chart of Ernesto Guevara, internationally known as Che Guevara. He was a major and controversial figure of the Cuban Revolution whose stylized visage is widely known and has become a countercultural symbol – Marxist revolutionary, physician, author, guerrilla leader, diplomat, and military theorist. I am going to show you just a few examples of how his movements in his surroundings and later on in the world followed the personal compass of his planetary lines. Note: when we use local space maps in the world, a planet line can be considered active up to a distance of 200 miles (320 km) each side.
Che Guevara natal chart
He was born in Rosario, Argentina, on the 14th June (2) 1928 at 21:30. During his early years his family spent half of the time in Buenos Aires and half of the time in Caraguatay, where his father owned mate plantations.
This speaks a lot of his Sun in Gemini (being in two places), and its rulership over the Descendant suggests that he might have experienced that duality through others, not by his self-will. Also, the Sun is conjunct Venus, ruler of the IC and therefore associated with the family and their properties. We can see on the local space map that the Sun's line runs very near Caraguatay. But we could also figure out that with the Uranus line running exactly through Buenos Aires, his experience in that city could have been marked by instability and changes. This was certainly the case, as his family moved house three times in Buenos Aires during his first two years of life. Uranus is his Ascendant co-ruler and it is unaspected in the 2nd house.
Che Guevara: Caraguatay
Che Guevara: Buenos Aires & Córdiba
On the other side the Uranus line goes to Córdoba. This is where the family moved when Ernesto started to suffer bouts of acute asthma. We can also see that there are a few important lines (Mars, Jupiter, Moon and Chiron) going towards the northwest of Argentina, and indeed, that area exerted a particular pull on him. His famous motorcycle journey went precisely in that direction and his notes during that journey, The Motorcycle Diaries, became a best-seller, adapted into a film with the same title.
Che Guevara: Guatemala
But there are more interesting issues around his Mars and Jupiter lines. The Mars line continues travelling to the northwest and goes across Guatemala, where he met his first wife. She was born in Lima, also within active distance from his Mars line (158 miles). Mars trines his Descendant and Neptune in the 7th house. They went to Chiapas for their honeymoon, and his Mars line crosses México exactly in that area. He met Fidel Castro in México and had his first daughter there – Mars sextiles his Sun in the 5th house.
Che Guevara: México & Chiapas
His second wife was from Cuba, as was Fidel Castro, and he is known internationally for his involvement with the Cuban Revolution. He felt at home in Cuba; his personal identification with Castro and the Cuban people and their cause was automatic, and he adopted Castro's social and political ideologies to build his own philosophy.
He was ideologist and major of the Cuban Revolution and was involved in the organisation of the Cuban State, where he held a few different important positions, mainly in the financial area. He was in charge of several international missions in the diplomatic department, and was president of the National Bank and industry minister. His Jupiter line goes through Cuba; it is in Taurus and co-rules the 2nd house.
Che Guevara: Cuba
He also had some interest in exporting Cuban Revolution ideology to other countries, and he offered his knowledge and experience in guerrilla tactics to the ongoing conflict in the Congo during the '60s. This was not a particularly positive experience – full of problems and misunderstandings, resulting in a complete failure. This was his Neptune line, which seems to be more appropriate for artistic, inspirational or spiritual activities rather than for getting involved in a guerrilla war as a way of solving conflicts. Most possibly the failure of that mission was due to trying to use that line for something that was alien to its energy.
Che Guevara: Congo
Finally, it is interesting to see the lines related to his execution in a camp in Bolivia. The place is on the Moon-Chiron lines, and his Moon is conjunct the IC and 4th house (using quadrant houses), traditionally associated with endings.
Che Guevara: execution
Moreover, it seems that the CIA was involved in these events and if we follow the Moon-Chiron lines up to the United States we find them going very near Langley (Virginia) where the CIA has its headquarters.
Che Guevara: CIA (Langley)
Invoking the planets
From a more self-conscious point of view what is most interesting about the local space technique is its invocational element. The word invoke comes from the Latin invocare, which means 'call upon'. Every time we follow a planet line across the world we are invoking that planet's energy, we are calling that archetype to be manifested in our life. But it is very important to take into account that we are not invoking that planet in its neutral, archetypal form, but with the characteristics it has in our natal chart by its cosmic condition (sign, house, aspects, etc.). We are invoking not Venus but our Venus, we are invoking not Saturn but our Saturn, and so on. In other words, moving to our Jupiter line will probably not sort all our problems unless we have developed a balanced and constructive relationship with our Jupiter.
Local space at home and at work
Having made that point, there is another fascinating use of the local space technique: our home and workplace. In fact, these are our nearest bits of local space and we spend the majority of our time there. They are our own small universe and we can also find all our planetary energies around us in there. Since it is relatively easy to make changes at home we can use the invocational effect to work for a better integration and greater balance of our chart through adjusting our home or workplace and its different areas according to the conditions depicted by our natal chart.
We can soften the tension of a square, we can make a trine more dynamic, bring focus to or lighten the expression of a particular planet, etc., and we can also make relevant changes and arrangements in our house when we have transits or progressions that shift the emphasis towards a particular area of our chart in order to make the most of that astrological event.
Finding out where our local space lines are at home or at our workplace is very easy. We just need to draw an accurate floor plan of the place, find due north with a compass and draw the cardinal points on the map – it is advisable to take several measurements at different areas in order to ensure that they are not distorted by the presence of strong electronic equipment, either in our place or in our neighbours'.
Then we need to find the centre of the plan by drawing the diagonals. We can mark their intersection with a little cross. If the space is not a regular polygon, we need to make it regular by adding the missing bits and find the centre of the regular polygon that is created by doing this.
Now we can superpose our local space map onto it and see where our lines go. In relation to the workplace, if your job requires that you move around the whole workplace you can take it all, but if you have your own place, office, practice, etc. within a building or a shared venue then take just the space where you work. If you print your local space chart on a transparency you will be able to put it over any map or plan, and if the size of the compass circle is too small you can always enlarge the planetary lines manually.
House plan
The planetary lines are radial and therefore go in both directions from the centre. It seems that both sides have approximately the same power, although it is said that the side where the planet actually is can be stronger. If two planets are within an orb of five degrees in the natal chart the energies of these planets cannot be used separately.
How does this work in practice? The most important principle when doing local space work at home is the principle of the conjunction. We understand the conjunction as the meeting of a line and an object. Your planetary lines as they are at the moment in your house meet different objects which have particular shapes, colours and usages, so they make conjunctions with these objects. They also end up on a wall painted in a particular colour and maybe meet a particular image or painting hanged there.
Astrology is an analogical language and therefore we can associate any object with a planet by its colour, shape or role. For instance, we all know that the colour red is Mars, concave shapes are Lunar, a bouquet of flowers is Venusian and a bookcase is Jupiterian. A proper blend of the planet lines with objects, shapes, colours or usages can help the planets to express their best face. Likewise, an inadequate blend of planet lines and objects can prevent either the planet or the object from functioning properly. When a planet line hits objects that are antagonistic to its nature or we have an object that is on a line that is not favourable to its usage, we have a potential problem.
A few examples
I can give you some examples of clients with whom I have done local space work. One client had her computer on her Moon-Venus-Neptune line and she had been having problems since she bought it. It crashed often for no apparent reason and was exceptionally slow. It is obvious that computers may not 'feel' particularly comfortable on these lines – the Uranus or Mercury lines seem more appropriate. Since this client did not have any other place in her flat where she could put her computer she put a photo of a gorgeous mountain goat at the top of a rocky mountain on a shelf just over the computer. The intention was to bring a bit of Saturn to put some order into the functioning of her computer. All the problems were solved within one week and her computer is still functioning properly.
Exactly the same happened to another client, who solved the problem by fixing a beautiful photo of the planet Saturn onto his PC. Another example is a client who had a spare room in her flat and used it as a sort of storage room. She used to accumulate all sorts of old and useless things there. The problem was that her Chiron line went through that room and she has Chiron angular in the 10th house. She has indeed a very Chironian profession, as she is a teacher of special education for disabled children, and her career was not really progressing as she would have wished it to. She cleared the room, threw away what was no longer useful and put a big bookcase with books and materials she used when she was at university and related to her profession. Thus she was blending the energy of Jupiter with the planet representative of her career, and things started to flow and progress for her.
Finally, the planetary lines also work in our neighbourhood, town or city, and the line we travel most frequently is important since it represents a planet which we are in contact with regularly. The 'conjunction effect' is applicable here as well. For example, if you follow your Saturn line when you go to work and you do not have a particularly harmonious relationship with your Saturn, you may have a tough experience at work, but you can also take that as an opportunity to learn about your relationship with that archetype and maybe improve it. And if you go to work following the line of a planet which you experience as a positive energy in your life, your experience at work can be positive. If you use the local space map in your town you should take the place you live as the centre, and if you use it on another town or city, take the official city centre to be the centre of the map independently of whether that point is the geographic centre of that city.
The local space technique is a huge and multilayered subject and there is much more in it than what could be said in this article, but I hope I have managed to give you a general idea of what it is and how it can be used.
We can really do magic if we get ourselves attuned to our charts through using this incredible form of geomancy in the different facets and areas of our life.
1 Azimuth measures the distance of an object along the horizon, in degrees, minutes and seconds of arc from the north point of the horizon.
2 Some astrologers prefer to use a different date for Che Guevara. This article uses the accepted birth date of 14th June as given in the official biographies.
Reference books:
Steve Cozzi, Planets in Locality: Exploring Local Space Astrology, Llewellyn Publications 1988.
Martin Davis, Astrolocality Astrology, a guide to what it is and how to use it, The Wessex Astrologer 1999.