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SkyScript论坛中有个讨论热烈的本命解盘贴,盘的主角是Michael Jackson。回帖中一个署名为Ben的人以中世纪古典占星技术对Michael Jackson本命盘进行了全面剖析,帖子发表于2004年8月。这个案例内容详尽,行文规整,通过它我们可以大致了解一下中世纪古典占星家对本命盘的解析思路。 关于中世纪占星,人们最熟悉的当属Lilly的《基督占星》,书中记录的一些方法可以在这份案例中看到。这是一份非常好的读物,作者从多个方面阐述了中世纪占星理论的实际应用,想了解中世纪占星的人可以由此窥豹一斑。 Michael Jackson的本命盘这里直接沿用原贴贴出的盘。Michael Jackson的出生资料:1958.08.29, 11:43pm, Gary, In, USA。


第一部分内容是分析Michael Jackson的性格和体格特征,从Temperament开始。 < Michael Jackson Character and Body > Temperament ASC: Gemini (Hot, Wet)
Almuten: Merc (Hot, more Dry)
Moon square ASC (Cold, Wet)
Venus sextile ASC (Hot, Wet)
Saturn oppose ASC (Cold, Dry) Hot = 3, Cold = 2, Wet = 3, Dry = 2: Hot and Wet. Temperament is sanguine. Humanitarian, liberal, artistic, creative. Artist, musician, active, people-connected activities. 注:Temperament是那时常用的分析方式,Lilly的《基督占星》有介绍。这个方法是以上升点为核心,考察其位置以及与之构成相位的行星性质,然后累加出个属性排出顺序,最突出的属性体现了盘主的个性特征。Hot、Cold、Dry之类的属性我不太习惯,我喜欢在需要记点时直接使用行星,效果也不错。不过,如果重在分析盘主的性格,直接考察上升、日月后得出综合结果更直截了当,Temperament缺少了对日月影响力的揉和。 Physiognomy
Gendered body type: Gemini rising, and the majority of planets aspecting the ASC and almuten are masculine: body inclines more towards masculine. Modal type: Motive (2nd decan Gemini): long rectangle (Gemini) with a triangle (decan). Longish, masculine body with broader shoulders and narrower waist and hips. Height and weight: tall (Gemini), esp. with all the masculine motive planets aspecting the almuten and ASC. Planetary body type:
ASC: Saturn opposes by 4.55, Venus sextile by 3.04, Moon squares by 2.48. Almuten (Mercury): conjuncts Sun by over 10.00, trine Saturn by 6.12, square Mars by 3.13. Even though Saturn is farther away than the other planets, he is the most angular above the horizon, and aspects both; and his body type is more in line with the other bodily testimonies that show height rather than round (Moon) or short and squarish (Mars). Saturn: hard-working, suffering, serious, scientific, criminal. Suffers in silence; dreary and sad. Wisdom achieved through suffering, experience and study. An anti-social streak. 注:上面是对盘主的身体特征进行的分析,解析得非常细致,仍是以上升为分析核心点。从分析依据看应是有规则可循的。这个我的心得不多,还是直接看本人或照片省事。
Prime Motivation:
Gemini: The native seeks freedom of expression and movement, using airy means like speech, interactions, ideas. Rulers:
-Dom/almuten: Mercury. In 4th, retrograde, sunbeams, angular. Afflicted by Saturn. Tries through the family, using speech, ideas, and business. Somewhat successful here, with fear, setbacks, and difficulties.
-Trip: Mercury. See above.
-Trip: Saturn. In 7th, in triplicity, angular. Through marriage and partnerships. They will be better if over business and property, not if they are marriages.
-Trip: Jupiter. In 5th, triplicity, succeedent. Through entertainments, children, having fun, esp. through singing, travel, generosity and money-related ventures. Successful here.
-Term: Venus. In 4th, afflicted by Mars, angular. Through family and the home, using love, partying, women and beauty. Pretty successful here, despite the affliction.
-Decan: Mars. In 12th, detriment, cadent. Through his private life. Unsuccessful here. Aspecting ASC:
-Square Moon by 2.48. Adds glamorous, fantasy reputation and position and actions.
-Sextile Venus by 3.04. Adds a love of home and family; a nice home and family.
-Oppose Saturn by 4.55. Adds contentions with enemies, marriages that are sad. Native seeks freedom of expression and movement, using speech, interactions, ideas, seeking a glamorous, fantasy reputation and position; he has a love of home and family, and tends to engage in contentions with enemies and marriages that are sad. He is somewhat successful in achieving this happiness through his family (using speech, ideas, business); and more so through entertainments, children and having fun, esp. through singing, travel, generosity and money-related ventures; and less so through Venusian activities involving the home, i.e., a beautiful home, partying, etc. The native will be unsuccessful in any attempts to achieve this freedom in his private life; indeed he has secret enemies and these private, hidden things will work against him. He should also be careful about his partnerships with others – any marriages will be colored with gloom and sadness, and he has open enemies; but perhaps if they involve business or property relations (Saturn) they will contribute more to his happiness.
Quality of Mind:
Mercury: retrograde, angular, sunbeams. Leo. Afflicted by Mars. Fixed. Moon: Angular, triplicity. Afflicted by Saturn. Mutable.
Moon is stronger; no relation between them; moon squares ASC. Native lives more according to the pleasures of the senses than the intellect; and these will tend to diverge from and conflict with the intellect. Emotions/desires are more changeable and it is difficult for him to know what he seeks; but his mind is more fixed and stable. The thrust of his mind is honest, gentle (Jupiter disposes Moon, sextiles both Mercury and Mercury’s dispositor). Afflictions show less stability and sharpness: harshness of emotions: Mars shows a quarrelsome mind and unjust; Saturn shows dishonest emotions. Lilly’s method shows Saturn (good condition) and Mars (bad condition) as signifying manners because they aspect Mercury and the Moon. See above. 注:对Motivation和Mind的分析是对本命信息的深度挖掘。Motivation以命主星为出发点,Mind则是水星和月亮,考察的依据仍是以行星的主宰特性和关联行星的影响为主,这部分读一读可以开阔思路。 Triplicity rulers of Angles:
ASC: Mercury (angular but highly afflicted); Saturn (angular, unafflicted), Jupiter (succeedent, unafflicted).
MC: Same.
Native’s ability to achieve what he wants out of life is realized, but afflicted by, his family members, in the first 1/3of life; he becomes known for, and engages in, sad and difficult partnerships and encounters with enemies in the middle third. In the last 1/3 of life, he achieves more happiness and peace, being known for actions that are generous, fun, wise; travel, children, etc. 注:对四轴的分析,不过内容仅说了上升点和中天,仅使用了三位主宰。三位主宰星在古典占星中的位置也是非常关键性的,而且应用颇广,这又是一个应用的例子。 Interpretation Summary: Native is a sanguine personality, creative, liberal, artistic, engaged in people-oriented activities. He is hard-working, suffers and is aware of suffering; tends toward dreary and sad, achieving wisdom through suffering and experience, and with an anti-social streak. Native lives more according to the pleasures of the senses than the intellect. The emotions are more changeable, it is difficult for him to know what he seeks, and there are signs of dishonest emotions; emotions diverge from and conflict with his intellect; his intellect is more fixed and stable but he has a quarrelsome mind. Still, the general thrust of his mind is honest. Native’s body is masculine, with short trunk and longer arms and legs; broad shoulders and narrower waist and hips suggesting a triangle superimposed on a longish rectangle. His height is about 6’, and normal weight between 157-170#. In terms of his personal happiness, the native seeks the freedom of expression and movement, using speech, interactions, ideas, seeking a glamorous, fantasy reputation and position; he has a love of home and family, and tends to engage in contentions with enemies and marriages that are sad. He is successful in achieving this happiness through his family (using speech, ideas, business); through entertainments, children and having fun, esp. through singing, travel, generosity and money-related ventures; and less so through Venusian activities involving the home, i.e., a beautiful home, partying, etc. The native will be unsuccessful in attempts to achieve this freedom in his private life; indeed he has secret enemies and these private, hidden things will work against him. He should also be careful about his partnerships with others – any marriages will tend to be gloomy and sad; but perhaps if they involve business or property relations (Saturn) they will contribute more to his happiness. The first third of life will see him finding what he wants out of life on account of family, but he will also be afflicted and encounter difficulties here. The second third of life will see him in sad and difficult relationships and encounters with enemies, though his efforts and activities are strong. The third third of life will see him enjoying himself more and being happier – pleasure, travel, enjoyment, perhaps teaching or being wise; good relationships and friends. 注:第一部分的分析小结。前面的细节已经分析得很细致,小结也是如此,佩服这位高人的水星。

















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