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一、占星研究中考察宫位事宜时,一般人会考虑宫主(House Ruler,即四分仪分宫宫头星座的入庙宫主,Domicile Lord),中世纪占星师会考虑宫神星(House Almuten),而在希腊占星中,宫主(Domicile Lord),擢升宫主(Exaltation Lord),元素组共管主星(Trigonal Lords)均有肩负主导宫位事宜的可能。
1、Schmidt's Legal Paradigm in Regard to Empty Houses(作者:Curtis Manwaring)
2、Trigons, Triplicities, and Joint Domicile Masters
http://www.astrology-x-files.com/hellenistic/jointdomicilemaster.html(作者:Curtis Manwaring)
3、Rulerships: What are They?(作者:Douglas Noblehorse)
1、宫神星(House Almuten)
2、什么是行星的先天秉賦(Essential Dignities)?
四、擢升宫主部分(Exaltation Lord)
1、The extent to which planets cast rays into a given topic (house) and whether they also see the domicile or exaltation lord allows you to judge which testimony and witnesses are the most relevant. It can even be the case that the lawyer usually assigned to a given planet defers to another lawyer more suited to handle the issue.
This happens when the exaltation lord has firmer control over a given topic and when the domicile lord falls amiss or happens to be in a place where it cannot witness the place that it represents (the domicile lord should cast a ray into the place it represents indicating that it does not ignore that topic). For example, if Pisces rules the 10th and Jupiter is in Aquarius in the 9th, but Venus happens to be in Cancer or Pisces, Taurus, etc, then Venus would be the preferred lawyer to listen to.
Firmer Control指得是擢升宫主星要么落擢升宫,要么与该宫发生整宫相位关联。Falls Amiss指落2,6,8,12等不良宫位,happens to be in a place where it cannot witness the place that it represents指宫主与其入庙宫位没有发生整宫相位关联(指星曜落其入庙宫起算的2,6,8,12宫)。
2、Valens seems to be aware that one does not always default to the domicile lord when the domicile lord is in aversion as he has used the exaltation lord in such cases. See the example on pg 35-36 of the Anthology (book II, part 1) where he says that the Moon is "the lady of Taurus". In this case Venus happened to be in Aries which is in aversion to the place in question, whereas the Moon was in Aquarius and was able to witness Taurus.
月亮描述为"the lady of Taurus",在那个案例中,金星落白羊座,与金牛座没有发生整宫相位关联,而金牛座的擢升宫主月亮在水瓶座(与金牛座发生强关联),因此月亮被称为"the lady of Taurus"(其实就是Lord of Taurus,只不过性别原因导致采用lady),月亮在该例主导金牛座宫位事宜。
五、元素组共管主星(Trigonal Lords)
1、If neither the domicile or exaltation lord are configured to the place, then the domicile lords of the places that are trine to the place in question might watch over that place. Schmidt says that the ruler that is in agreement with the sect of the chart is preferred. For example, if Leo is the sign in question and the Sun does not witness (there is no exaltation lord), then either Mars (for Aries) or Jupiter (for Sagittarius) would rule Leo and this according to the sect (Mars by night and Jupiter by day). As you can see, this is not quite the trigon lords as we know them today.
2、Trigonal Lords are simply the Domicile Lords of signs that are trigonal (the original term for trine) to the sign under scrutiny.For example, if you’re examining Aries, the Sun and Jupiter are Trigonal Lords for Aries because the Sun is Domicile Lord of Leo and Jupiter is Domicile Lord of Sagittarius.Leo and Sagittarius are trigonal to Aries.Of course, in this case we ignore the Sun as Trigonal Lord of Aries as it is already the Exalted Lord of Aries.
Trigonal Lords的定义,不解释了
3、Under certain conditions (see Example Chart section below) Trigonal Lords step in to assist the original Domicile Lord in the discharge of his or her duties.These Trigonal Lords act as colleagues or associates of the Domicile Lord - much like a building superintendent today might call upon a colleague for assistance at times. However, depending on the nature,condition and position of the Trigonal Lord,he or she might have ulterior motives that either support or interfere with the original Domicile Lord’s agenda.
元素组共管主星(Trigonal Lords)有同事、帮手的含义,但根据Trigonal Lords的星性、状况等,其发挥的作用有可能是支持辅助宫主,当然也有很大可能是阻碍宫主发挥作用。
4、These planetary groupings correspond to the idea of planetary Friends and Enemies as found in Jyotisha or Indian Astrology (Vedic is somewhat of a misnomer…) It’s a matter of historical record that Jyotisha or Indian Astrology was heavily influenced by Greek astrology in the first centuries of the Common Era - thus, a path for the transmission of this particular doctrine from Greece to India is definitely suggested.
据说印度占星的敌友概念很大程度上受希腊占星元素组共管主星(Trigonal Lords)概念的影响。
六、因此日常占星研究中考察某个宫位事宜时,不应该仅仅考察宫主,也应同时考察擢升宫主、元素组共管主星(Trigonal Lords)的影响,尤其是当宫主blind,无法与其庙宫发生整宫相位配置时更需要考察其他星曜。
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