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Having a defined goal is an absolute necessity for Capricorn North Node people. In the process of working toward a goal, their whole life takes on power and vitality. Thus, finding a goal that they feel is appropriate, and then going about attaining it, is the real key to enjoying their life. Once they define a goal, their access to emotional power helps them get there; this is a highly positive use of their emotions. In any area of life, when they exercise self-control it’s healthy for them. If they take control of their diet and pay close attention to their eating habits, it’s positive and nurturing and they feel great about themselves. If they schedule a regular exercise routine, it gives them the self-respect of applying discipline to reach a goal. Capricorn North Node people have a desire to demonstrate that they can handle their life and prove their competence. They’re not afraid to work, but they don’t have much confidence—and the only thing that will give them confidence is the success of accomplishment itself. No matter how intelligent they are, if they don’t put anything into practice they will fall short of realizing their full potential. For these folks, part of being able to achieve goals involves being realistic in terms of what they can do. Once they see the bigger picture, they can set smaller goals to get there systematically. When they set goals they know they can achieve, meeting each one gives them confidence to go on to the next. For example, they may want to lose 50 pounds. Rather than setting one ultimate goal of losing 50 pounds, they are better off saying: “I want to lose 2 pounds in a month.” Then, if they lose more than 2 pounds in the first month, they can expand the goal to 4 pounds in the second month. If the result is too difficult to attain, then the next month the idea is to set their expectations lower. It’s important that they be flexible and not pressure themselves—they can readjust the goal according to the results they achieve. If they have a smaller goal and attain it, it makes them feel good. They validate what they accomplished, and they have more confidence to proceed to the next goal. I once had a Capricorn North Node client who wanted to exercise by swimming. At first he swam one lane at super speed and was exhausted. He wanted to be able to swim back and forth, and he could see people 70 years old who were going back and forth—how did they do that? So he talked to them and he practiced, and after a while he was able to swim back and forth. His next goal was to be able to swim a mile, and after that he set a goal of swimming his mile in 45 minutes. Then he got it down to 32 minutes—and after that he felt like he was training for the Olympics! This is how these folks become experts at accomplishment: They set attainable goals and then expand them. They are learning how to accomplish goals by staying focused and not getting frustrated. Then the entire process is exhilarating!", "cn。
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