Bob Marks - Professional Astrologer
Until the summer of 1966, Bob Marks, at that time a graduate student in chemistry, thought that astrology was nothing more than a superstition. Then, he tried it and "It worked".

Bob Marks has a Masters degree in Chemistry and taught that subject for six years on the college level. He then became interested in experimental education and founded and operated "The New Prospect High School",  a high school based on the Summerhill method that operated in New York City from 1970 to 1974. Since 1979, he has been the producer and host of "Astrology Now" on Manhattan cable television. It is the longest continuously running TV show on astrology in the nation. In January of 1981, Bob put a theory of his to the test by traveling to a different location on his birthday. "I went to L.A. and stayed there for 36 hours. When I came back, my phone started ringing off the hook with new clients.

Needless to say, 1981 was the year he became a "full time professional astrologer". Bob Marks has maintained a professional astrology practice in New York City since 1981.



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