Birth Time Rectification
Recorded birth times are not always correct, as they are often reconstructed from memory of the many relatively concurrent deliveries in the hospital, attempting to recall in exactly what sequence a number of babies were born in a given time period. In fact, birth times are often recorded as the time of their submission to the birth registry office.
Even greater problems arise when the birth process extends over an exceptionally long period of time. As the tip of the baby's head is visible, the umbilical cord is cut, or the first cry is heard, different times are shown on the clock.
For the mother, detachment from the baby is a physical, bodily experience. Therefore the Mother's Sun should in some way be significantly configured with the MC, the indicator of the minute at which the successful separation occurred.
Unfortunately, we do not always know the birthdates of the mothers of public personalities. Thus, we would have to use other methods to time important events for well-known personalities such as Bill Gates.
To demonstrate the standard method for beginners, we will look at the chart of a young woman named Jana, since we have all the needed data for rectification. The 22.5° listing along with the chart helps us to find the midpoints. An event at a particular age will correspond with a pertinent midpoint, directed by solar arc, making significant contacts with other factors. On the dial, we will then see whether the natal MC or AS is triggered. The midpoint listing will help us determine more precisely whether the contacts are within ±1° of orb. If the connections with the MC lie outside this orb, the MC must be adjusted forward or backward to find a workable hypothesis.
Jana was born on 1962.October.01 in Zürich, at 23:35 MET/CET (1hE).
She supplied us with some significant event dates for our rectification. Her mother was born on 1943.November.30, with the Sun at about 07°20' Sagittarius.
Birth of child 1983.Jun.17 -- Arc 20°29'
Marriage 1984.Jul.31 -- Arc 21°37'
Surgical operation 1987.Oct.01 -- Arc 24°46'
Mother:SU =AS=MC/VU
Here we have a first piece of evidence validating Jana's birthtime. We will however continue to look for further events.
Childbirth is symbolized by the midpoint of Jupiter and Saturn, the successful separation. We look for this midpoint on the 22.5° listing and find it at 4:26 + 20:29 = 24:55 - 22:30 = 2:25 . We arrive at our result by adding the solar arc factor.
The delivery of a child was a personal bodily event for Jana that involved separation from another accompanied by a weakening of her vitality.
For Jana's marriage, we look at the SU/MO midpoint to see if both personal points are involved.
d(SU/MO) (2:48 + 21:37 = 24:25 - 22:30 = 1:55 ). The result is only about 30' from the aforementioned childbirth. Nonethless, the difference is significant enough so that the list of midpoints triggered will not be identical.
What did Jana's relationship with her husband bring for her, according to other midpoints?
d(SU/NO) (0 + 21:37 ) =MC/VU=AS
Association with a man brings her power or influence due to partnership.
In considering the marriage per se, we want to look at the midpoint of Sun and Cupido.
d(SU/CU) (9:48 + 21:37 = 31:25 - 22:30 = 8:55 ) =AS/HA=MC/ZE=AS/NE=SU
In the marriage, the partner is somehow challenged in his physical activities and lives in a certain amount of suspense. Altogether this indicates that he is subject to conflicts between past and future considerations when pursuing goals.
All three of these marriage indicators can be used to rectify and zero in on an accurate birthtime.
A surgical operation is yet another significant event. It is an activity that causes a certain degree of upset to the body and is symbolized by Sun, Mars, and Uranus in their various combinations. We will begin with the midpoint of Mars and Uranus, which will somehow, by solar arc direction, trigger the Sun significantly at the time of the operation.
d(MA/UR) (21:21 + 24:46 = 46:07 - 45 = 1:07 ) =MC/VE=AS/PL
The operation was eased by congenial personal circumstances and brought about a change in a partnership. In this case, however, we don't find the Sun involved, and therefore look to the next axis.
Work on the body is symbolized by Sun and Mars.
d(SU/MA) (16:23 + 24:46 = 41:09 - 22:30 = 18:39 ) =JU/ UR =AS/PO=MC/HA
Technical success due to others' understanding and knowledge of her illness.
Lastly, the Sun and Uranus in combination stand for tension and surprises for the body.
d(SU/UR) (13:14 + 24:46 = 38:00 - 22:30 = 15:30 ) =MC/SA=AS/SU=VE/ MA =AS/CU
Some sort of personal delay or restriction involving technical matters affects others and Jana's participation in enjoyable activities affected by the specific organ.
So far, we find verification of the original birthtime given by Jana. We can see how the processes of each event can be investigated by this general method. In the case where a combination of three planets is normally considered necessary to describe an event, the midpoint axis of any of the two planets, directed by solar arc, should trigger the third planet in a significant manner.
Next, we will apply this method to the chart of Bill Gates.
A bio supplied by Lois Rodden indicates the following: Bill Gates was the only son of a judge and a teacher. He was a mathematically gifted child, and found himself unchallenged until he accessed a computer at school. At Harvard University, he and Paul Allen built a computer in 1974. His Microsoft company was founded in 1986. In the 1990s he became the richest man in the world due to his computer savvy. He married on 1.Jan.1994; this is the only known specific event date in his life. In 1997, he and his wife and daughter build their dream home in Seattle.
Since he was working with Paul Allen in 1974, the autumn of that year might have been the beginning of his university studies. At that time, Bill was about 19 years old and also had a solar arc of about 19°. We direct his Sun by this amount and find:
Within a creative team he developed his ideas from his knowledge of numbers for work among the public involving abstract or invisible phenomena, and his actions were future-oriented. One year later, his AS/AP midpoint was triggered and success occurred.
In 1986, the Microsoft Corporation was brought into being. Here, we will also have to work with an approximate solar arc. Bill was about 31 years old, and so we direct the Sun by this figure.
Influence on the general public due to a budding association which brings him personal success. Enterprising coworkers set reforms in motion which yield progress due to cooperative efforts.
With the exact solar arc we are able to investigate the date of marriage. On 1.Jan.1994, the arc was 38°29'.
Here, we will look at the SU/MO midpoint directed by the solar arc value.
d(SU/MO) (21:38 + Arc 38:29 = 60:07 - 45 = 15:07 ) =NO/VU=AS/CU=ZE=MC/AS=MC/AD
This is a powerful union. The marriage brought him professional stability accompanied by certain personal restrictions.
Here, we are dealing with a bond with a woman, and thus we work with the midpoint of the Moon and the Lunar Node, which we also direct by solar arc.
d(MO/NO) (20:41 + 38:29 = 59:10 - 45 = 14:10 ) =MC/AD=AS/CU
This indicates his steadfastness in his relationship with this woman.
For indicators of the wife, we investigate the Moon/Cupido midpoint:
d(MO/CU) (5:26 + 38:29 = 43:55 - 22:30 = 21:25 ) =MC/AP=AS/ZE
His wife contributes to his success and is also highly creative.
In this axis, we find both the personal points MC and Ascendant involved, indicating the onset of a marriage.
So far, we have confirmed the given time of birth. Further investigation will determine if it is fully accurate.
Other events and rectification techniques are discussed in the Brummund Technique Book . There, certain midpoints in the natal chart are directed by solar arc in order to correct or confirm the birth time
The following elaborations on points made above have been added to the translation of the original German article after consultation between the translator and the author, primarily in reponse to questions asked by readers:
1 The mother's Sun should either form a cluster with the native's MC, or it should trigger a midpoint between the MC and another Relational Point (AR, AS, NO), or between the MC and a planet that describes, in a significant manner,
the type of relationship that existed between the native and her or his mother.
2 Periodically, situations arise where more than one position of the MC and/or AS seems possible and thus 2 birthtimes seem possible. In such cases, triggered midpoints involving the MC should yield pertinent additional information about how the native experienced the given event personally or professionally, and midpoints involving the AS should yield pertinent information about interactions or environment during the event. Considering these factors, the most appropriate time will usually become obvious.
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